JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 1: Phantom Blood)
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 (Part1 ファントムブラッド)
Theatrical release date (Part 1):
17/2/2007 (
Anime movie, 3rd animated project)
Airing date (Part 1):
5/10/2012 (TV series 26 episodes, 4th animated project)
Action, Adventure, Horror, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural, Suspense
Original creator:
Hirohiko Araki
Naokatsu Tsuda, Kenichi Suzuki (TV) and
Junichi Hayama (movie)
Written by:
Yasuko Kobayashi (TV) and
Mitsuhiro Yamada (movie)
Music by:
Hayato Matsuo (TV Part 1) and
Marco D'Ambrosio (movie)
Character designers and animation directors:
Takako Shimizu (TV) and
Junichi Hayama (movie)
Art directors:
Shunichiro Yoshihara (TV) and
Satoru Kuwabara (movie)
Director of photography:
Kazuhiro Yamada (TV) and
Hideo Okazaki (movie)
Sound director:
Yoshikazu Iwanami (TV) and
Yasunori Honda (movie)
Color design by:
Eriko Murata (TV) and
Mieko Seki (movie)
Sound design by:
Tom Myers (movie)
Animation producer:
Kōji Kajita (TV)
Art setting:
Kaoru Aoki and
Yasufumi Soejima (TV)
Editing by:
Kiyoshi Hirose (TV)
Produced by:
Hiroyuki Oomori, Jun Fukuda, Ryosuke Mori and
Toshiyasu Hayashi (TV)
David Production (TV) and
Studio A.P.P.P. (movie)
Tokyo MX, MBS, RKB, TBC, CBC, BS11
Theme song (movie):
"Voodoo Kingdom" by SOUL'd OUT
Ending theme (S1):
"Roundabout" by Yes (1972 single)
"JoJo~Sono Chi no Sadame~ (ジョジョ~その血の運命~ JoJo~That Blood's Destiny~)" by Tommy Hiroaki Tomonaga
Main cast (
Part 1):
Jonathan Joestar (ジョナサン・ジョースター) voiced by Kazuyuki Okitsu (TV) and Katsuyuki Konishi (movie)
Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー) voiced by Takehito Koyasu (TV) and Hikaru Midorikawa (movie)
Erina Pendleton (エリナ·ペンドルトン) voiced by Ayako Kawasumi (TV) and Nana Mizuki (movie)
William Antonio Zeppeli (ウィル・A・ツェペリ) voiced by Yoku Shioya (TV) and Rikiya Koyama (movie)
Robert Edward O. Speedwagon (ロバート·E·O·スピードワゴン) voiced by Yōji Ueda (TV)
Supporting cast:
Jorge Joestar I (ジョージ・ジョースターI世) voiced by Masashi Sugawara (TV) and Tsutomu Isobe (movie)
Dario Brando (ダリオ・ブランドー) voiced by Tadashi Miyazawa (TV) and Kazuhiro Ozawa (movie)
Tonpetti (トンペティ) voiced by Tamio Ōki (TV) and Yoshisada Sakaguchi (movie)
Wang Chung (ワンチェン) voiced by Hiroshi Naka (TV) and Jun Itoda (movie)
Bruford (ブラフォード) voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda (TV) and Tōru Nara (movie)
Tarkus (タルカス) voiced by Tetsu Inada (TV) and Yoshinori Sonobe (movie)
Imagine-Nation review: http://www.youtube.com/embed/lz1WqJFA250?rel=0&autoplay=1
Movie teaser: http://www.youtube.com/embed/YC54t2VSE4I?rel=0&autoplay=1
Movie PV: http://www.youtube.com/embed/tB66laScBPU?rel=0&autoplay=1
Movie clip (16 mins): http://www.youtube.com/embed/QOUDdJRvn2Q?rel=0&autoplay=1

Synopsis: This is the story of the Joestar family, and their battles against bizarre enemies. Jonathan Joestar’s battle against the vampire Dio Brando starts it all, and it continues into roughly each second generation of Joestars through all parts of the story.
Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 2: Battle Tendency, young Joseph Joestar's bizarre adventures through za warudo
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Part2 戦闘潮流
Date Aired:
7/12/2012 (TV series episodes 10 to 26?, 4th animated project)
Action, Adventure, Horror, Supernatural, Suspense
Directed by:
Naokatsu Tsuda and
Kenichi Suzuki
Produced by:
Hiroyuki Omori, Jun Fukuda, Ryosuke Mori and
Toshiyasu Hayashi
Writed by:
Yasuko Kobayashi
Character design:
Takako Shimizu
Music by:
Taku Iwasaki
David Production
Tokyo MX
Opening theme:
"Bloody Stream" by Coda
Ending theme:
"Roundabout" by Yes (1972 single)
Main cast:

Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター) voiced by Tomokazu Sugita
Robert Edward O. Speedwagon (ロバート·E·O·スピードワゴン) voiced by Youji Ueda
Erina Joestar (エリナ·ジョースター) and Smokey Brown (スモーキー・ブラウン)
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (シーザー・アントニオ・ツェペリ) voiced by Takuya Satō
Lisa Lisa / Elisabeth Joestar (リサリサ / エリザベス・ジョースター) voiced by Atsuko Tanaka
Rudolf von Stroheim (ルドル・フォン・シュトロハイム) voiced by Atsushi Imaruoka
Pillar Men:
Wham (ワムウ) voiced by Akio Ōtsuka,
Cars (カーズ), ACDC (エシディシ) and Santana (サンタナ)
TV series Part 2 PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGVSViecHWE
TV series teaser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24BukQYxZuw
Imagine-Nation preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz1WqJFA250
Official website: http://wwws.warnerbros.co.jp/jojo-animation/
Synopsis: Based of volumes 5 to 12. Begins in New York City, moves to Mexico briefly, then to Italy and finally, it ends in Switzerland, during the year 1938. Its main protagonist is Joseph Joestar, the grandson of Jonathan Joestar.
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Part 3, Stardust Crusaders Egypt-hen

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3:
Stardust Crusaders Egypt arc
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Part3
スターダストクルセイダース エジプト編
Release dates:
19/11/1993 (OVA series eps 8-13, 1st animated project) and
25/5/2000 (eps 1-7, 2nd animated project)
Airing dates:
4/4/2014 (TV series 24 eps, 5th animated project) and
9/1/2015 (second season, 6th animated project)
Action, Adventure, Horror, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural, Suspense
Original creator:
Hirohiko Araki
Naokatsu Tsuda, Kenichi Suzuki (TV),
Hiroyuki Kitakubo, Hideki Futamura and
Takashi Kobayashi (OVAs)
Written by:
Yasuko Kobayashi (TV),
Kenichi Takashima, Takao Kawaguchi and
Satoshi Kon (OVAs)
Music by:
Yūgo Kanno (TV) and
Marco D'Ambrosio (OVAs)
Character designers and chief animation directors:
Masahiko Komino (TV) and
Junichi Hayama (OVAs)
Art directors:
Shunichiro Yoshihara (TV) and
Satoru Kuwabara (OVAs)
3D director:
Kenichi Higaki (TV)
Sound director:
Yoshikazu Iwanami (TV)
Director of photography:
Kazuhiro Yamada (TV)
Action animation director:
Fumiaki Kōta and
Kenta Mimuro (TV)
Animation producer:
Kōji Kajita (TV)
Art setting by:
Kaoru Aoki and
Yasufumi Soejima (TV)
Color design by:
Yūko Satō (TV)
Editing by:
Kiyoshi Hirose (TV)
Sound effects by:
Yasumasa Koyama (TV)
Sound design by:
Gary Rydstrom (OVAs)
Produced by:
Hiroyuki Ōmori, Jun Fukuda, Ryosuke Mori, Toshiyasu Hayashi (TV),
Kazufumi Nomura and
Tetsuo Daitoku (OVAs)
David Production (TV) and
Studio A.P.P.P. (OVAs)
Tokyo MX, MBS, TBC, RKB, CBC, BS11, Animax
1st opening theme:
"STAND PROUD" by Jin Hashimoto
1st ending theme:
"Walk Like an Egyptian" by The Bangles
2nd OP theme:
"JoJo - Sono Chi no Kioku (ジョジョ 〜その血の記憶) ~end of THE WORLD~" by JO☆STARS~TOMMY, Coda, JIN~
2nd ED theme:
"Last Train Home" by Pat Metheny Group

Main cast:
Jōtarō Kūjō (空条 承太郎) / Star Platinum (スタープラチナ "星の白金") voiced by Daisuke Ōno (TV) and Jūrōta Kosugi (OVAs)
Noriaki Kakyoin (花京院 典明) / Hierophant Green (ハイエロファントグリーン "法皇の緑") voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa (TV) & Hirotaka Suzuoki (OVAs)
Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン=ピエール・ポルナレフ) / Silver Chariot (シルバーチャリオッツ "銀の戦車") by Fuminori Komatsu (TV) & Katsuji Mori (OVAs)
Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター) / Hermit Purple (ハーミット・パープル "隠者の紫") voiced by Unshō Ishizuka (TV) and Chikao Ōtsuka (OVAs)
Mohammed Avdol (モハメド・アヴドゥル) / Magician's Red (マジシャンズレッド "魔術師の赤") voiced by Kenta Miyake (TV) and Kiyoshi Kobayashi (OVAs)
Iggy (イギー) / The Fool (ザ・フール "愚者") voiced by Misato Fukuen (TV)
Supporting cast:
DIO (ディオ) / The World (ザ・ワールド "世界") voiced by Takehito Koyasu (TV) and Nobuo Tanaka (OVAs)
Narration by
Tōru Ōkawa
Imagine-Nation review: http://www.youtube.com/embed/lz1WqJFA250?rel=0&autoplay=1
and torrent
Tarot cards arc PVs:'

Tarot cards arc CM: http://www.youtube.com/embed/h_SLqbGiY-8?rel=0&autoplay=1
Egypt arc PV: http://www.youtube.com/embed/kaSio11XVhM?rel=0&autoplay=1
Egypt arc teaser: http://www.youtube.com/embed/pFb_2o-XJnQ?rel=0&autoplay=1
Official website: http://jojo-animation.com/
Synopsis: In a Japanese jail sits 17-year-old Jotaro Kujo: punk, fighter, delinquent…and possessed by a force beyond his control! Around the world, evil spirits are awakening: “Stands,” monstrous invisible creatures which give their bearers incredible powers. To save his mother’s life, Jotaro must tame his dark forces and travel around the world to Cairo, Egypt, where a hundred-year-old vampire thirsts for the blood of his family. But the road is long, and an army of evil Stand Users wait to kill JoJo and his friends…
Jojo no Kimyō na Bōken: Diamond wa Kudakenai, whadid ya say 'bout My hair?!


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない
Airing date:
1/4/2016 (TV series 39 episodes)
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Supernatural, Shounen
Original creator:
Hirohiko Araki
Yūta Takamura (chief),
Toshiyuki Katō (series) and
Naokatsu Tsuda
Written by:
Yasuko Kobayashi
Music by:
Yūgo Kanno
Character designer and animation director:
Terumi Nishii
Sub-character designer:
Shun'ichi Ishimoto
Art director:
Shun'ichiro Yoshihara
Sound director:
Yoshikazu Iwanami
Director of photography:
Kazuhiro Yamada
Art setting by:
Junko Nagasawa and
Kaoru Aoki
Color key by:
Yūko Satō
Stand design by:
Kenta Mimuro
Prop design by:
Takashi Tanazawa and
Yukitoshi Hōtani
Sound effects by:
Yasumasa Koyama
Planning by:
Akihiro Kawamura, Chidori Hayashi, Shin Hieda and
Tsuneo Takechi
Editing by:
Kiyoshi Hirose
Production unification by:
Yasuto Okiura
Animation producer:
Kōji Kajita
Line producer:
Nobutaka Kasama
Hiroyuki Oomori, Jun Fukuda, Ryōsuke Mori and
Toshiyasu Hayashi
David Production
Tokyo MX
Opening theme:
"Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town" by THE DU
2nd OP theme:
"Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town ~EDM arrange ver.~" by THE DU
3rd OP theme:
"chase" by batta
Ending theme:
"I Want You" by Savage Garden


Main cast:
Josuke Higashikata (東方 仗助) by Yūki Ono (TV) and Wataru Hatano (All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven)
Okuyasu Nijimura (虹村 億泰) voiced by Wataru Takagi (TV, ASB and EoH)


Koichi Hirose (広瀬 康一) voiced by Yūki Kaji (TV) and Romi Park (ASB, EoH)
Rohan Kishibe (岸辺 露伴) voiced by Takahiro Sakurai (TV) and Hiroshi Kamiya (ASB, EoH)
Jotarō Kujō (空条 承太郎) voiced by Daisuke Ono (TV, ASB and EoH)
Josuke's family: Tomoko Higashikata (東方 朋子) voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi (TV)
Ryohei Higashikata (東方 良平) voiced by Katsuhisa Hōki (TV)
Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター) voiced by Unshō Ishizuka (TV, EoH) and Tomokazu Sugita (ASB)
Supporting cast:
Yukako Yamagishi (山岸 由花子) voiced by and Mamiko Noto (TV) and Chinatsu Akasaki (EoH)
Hayato Kawajiri (川尻 早人) voiced by Yūko Satō (ASB, EoH)
Reimi Sugimoto (杉本 鈴美) and
Arnold (アーノルド) voiced by Ryō Hirohashi (ASB)
Narration (ナレーション) by Toru Ohkawa
Other Stand users: Tamami Kobayashi (小林 玉美) voiced by Satoshi Tsuruoka (TV) and Kazunari Tanaka (ASB)
Toshikazu Hazamada (間田 敏和) voiced by Taiki Matsuno (ASB)
Tonio Trussardi (トニオ・トラサルディー) voiced by Tokuyoshi Kawashima (TV) and Daisuke Matsubara (ASB, EoH)
Shigekiyo Yangu (矢安宮 重清) voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi (ASB, EoH)
Aya Tsuji (辻 彩) voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi (EoH)
Yūya Fungami (噴上 裕也) voiced by Daichi Kanbara (EoH)
Enemy Stand users: Anjūrō Katagiri (片桐 安十郎) / Angelo (アンジェロ) voiced by Kenji Hamada
Keichō Nijimura (虹村 形兆) voiced by Tomoyuki Shimura
Akira Otoishi (音石 明) / Red Hot Chili Pepper voiced by Showtaro Morikubo
Ken Oyanagi (大柳 賢) / The Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid (ジャンケン小僧) voiced by Miho Hino (ASB)
Terunosuke Miyamoto (宮本 輝之輔) / The Enigmatic Boy (エニグマの少年) voiced by Makoto Naruse (ASB)
Yoshikage Kira (吉良 吉影) voiced by Rikiya Koyama (ASB, EoH)
Yoshihiro Kira (吉良 吉廣) / The Old Man in the Photograph (写真のおやじ) voiced by Bin Shimada (ASB)


Official Sites:

Synopsis: Fourth story arc of JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken series. The coastal town of Morioh is plagued by the "Bow and Arrow," an ancient artifact which manifests latent stand abilities in criminals and ordinary folk alike. At the same time as they are dealing with the huge influx of stand users—both good and bad—in Morioh, high schooler Jousuke Higashikata and his friends are searching for the culprit of a series of homicides.
Giogio's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, finally ;/ worth the wait after 2'years
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean, finally 12'eps at once in this series!