Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] & Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel]
フェイト/ステイナイト [アンリミテッドブレイドワークス] & フェイト/ステイナイト [ヘブンズフィール]
Airing date:
4/10/2014 (TV series 1st cour),
April 2015 (2nd cour) and
2015? (theatrical movie)
Action, Romance, Supernatural drama, Thriller, Urban fantasy
Original creator:
Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON
Original character designer:
Takashi Takeuchi
Takahiro Miura
Music by:
Hideyuki Fukasawa
Character designers:
Tomonori Sudō, Hisayuki Tabata and
Atsushi Ikariya
Color design by:
Emi Chiba and
Mika Matsuoka
Art director:
Koji Eto
Photography director:
Yuichi Terao
3D director:
Kojirō Shishido
Produced by:
Tokyo MX
Opening theme:
"Ideal White" by Ayano Mashiro
Ending theme:
"Believe" by Kalafina
Main cast:
Rin Tohsaka (遠坂 凛) voiced by Kana Ueda
Shirou Emiya (衛宮 士郎) voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama
Illyasviel von Einzbern (イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン) voiced by Mai Kadowaki
Sakura Matō (間桐 桜) voiced by Noriko Shitaya
Shinji Matō (間桐 慎二) voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya
Sōichirō Kuzuki (葛木 宗一郎) voiced by Masaki Terasoma

Archer (アーチャー) voiced by Junichi Suwabe
Saber (セイバー) voiced by Ayako Kawasumi
Lancer (ランサー) voiced by Hiroshi Mikami
Berserker (バーサーカー) voiced by Tadahisa Saizen
Rider (ライダー) voiced by Yū Asakawa
Caster (キャスター) voiced by Atsuko Tanaka
Assassin (アサシン) voiced by Shinichiro Miki
Gilgamesh (ギルガメッシュ) voiced by Tomokazu Seki

Supporting cast:
Kirei Kotomine (言峰 綺礼) voiced by Jōji Nakata
Taiga Fujimura (藤村 大河) voiced by Miki Itō
Issei Ryūdō (柳洞 一成) voiced by Mitsuaki Madono
Kiritsugu Emiya (衛宮 切嗣) voiced by Rikiya Koyama
CM 7, PVs 1-3 (subbed) &
movie trailer:
Official sites: http://www.fate-sn.com &
http://www.fatestaynightusa.com (EN)

Synopsis: New
Anime adaptation of Fate/stay night. It will be a new story outside of the original work, but is very important and near Fate/Zero in terms of feeling.
FSN Heaven's Feel I. Presage Flower, 1st movie of the darker messed-up route
Fate/Zero Café, short film spin-off to open Kara no Kyokai 3D movie

Fate/Zero Cafe
Fate/ゼロカフェ 〜Fate/Zero Cafeに集う英霊達〜
Theatrical release date:
13/7/2013 (short animated film)
Comedy, Fantasy
Original creators:
Type-Moon and

F/Z Café staff:
Saber / Arturia Pendragon (セイバー) voiced by Ayako Kawasumi
Lancer / Diarmuid Ua Duibhne "Diurmuid O'Dyna" (ランサー) voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa
Ryūnosuke Uryū (雨生龍之介) voiced by Akira Ishida
Waver Velvet (ウェイバー・ベルベット) voiced by Daisuke Namikawa
Assassin / Hassan-i-Sabah (アサシン) voiced by Akina Abe and Takuo Kawamura

Caster / Gilles de Rais "Bluebeard" (キャスター) voiced by Satoshi Tsuruoka
Rider / Iskandar "Alexander The Great" (ライダー) voiced by Akio Otsuka
Archer (アーチャー) / Gilgamesh (ギルガメッシュ) voiced by Tomokazu Seki
Kariya Matō (間桐雁夜) voiced by Tarusuke Shingaki
Kiritsugu Emiya (衛宮 切嗣) voiced by Rikiya Koyama
Irisviel von Einzbern (アイリスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン) voiced by Sayaka Ohara
Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi (ケイネス・エルメロイ・アーチボルト) voiced by Takumi Yamazaki
Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri (ソラウ・ヌァザレ・ソフィアリ) voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi
Tokiomi Tohsaka (遠坂時臣) voiced by Show Hayami
Kirei Kotomine (言峰 綺礼) voiced by Jouji Nakata
Rin Tohsaka (遠坂 凛) voiced by Kana Ueda
Sakura Matō (間桐 桜) voiced by Noriko Shitaya
Illyasviel von Einzbern (イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン) voiced by Mai Kadowaki
Shirō Emiya (衛宮 士郎) voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama
Kerry (ケリィ) voiced by Miyu Irino
Shirley (シャーレイ) voiced by Ayahi Takagaki
Berserker / Lancelot of the Lake "Black Knight" (バーサーカー) voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu
Movie PV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTbMkbcc6v8
Official website: http://www.ufotable.com/f_zerocafe/
Synopsis: Short movie based from Ufotable's
Manga. The original Fate/zero Café four-panel
Manga re-imagines the cast of the Fate/zero light novel and
Anime as cute super-deformed characters who open a cafe, led by Saber as the manager.
Fate/Zero Season 2 - the GARness countdown ends here
Fate/Zero (フェイト/ゼロ)
Date Aired:
7/04/2012 (13 eps. 2nd TV series)
TV series PV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpTS2EU4ghA
Necropsis: The 4th Holy Grail War continues with the joined forces of Saber, Lancer and Rider along their masters to take down Caster's sea creature at Mion River which Kirei Kotomine's father Risei considers such war as a failure requesting aid to the Mage Association after all the disasters witnessed by the Fuyuki citizens... meanwhile in the sky Berserker takes control of a military jet attacking Archer who denies the monster elimination request of his master Tokiomi Tohsaka while he descends and fights Kariya Matou, nobody of them know Caster's master identity except for Kiritsugu Emiya and tracks Ryunosuke down snipping him to death
Carnival Phantasm: HibiChika Special, new OVA based on the gag manga Take-Moon

Carnival Phantasm Hibiki & Chikagi's Special
カーニバル・ファンタズム ひびちかスペシャル
Release date:
16/1/2013 (BR/DVD) and
7/7/2012 (Type-Moon Fes.)
Comedy, Fantasy, Harem
Seiji Kishi
Yūji Higa
Written by:
Makoto Uezu
Music by:
Yasuharu Takanashi
Character Design and Animation Director:
Kazuaki Morita
Original creators:
Eri Takenashi and
Opening theme:
"Super Affection (すーぱー☆あふぇくしょん)" by Minami Kuribayashi, Miyuki Hashimoto, Faylan, Aki Misato, Yozuca* and Rino
Ending theme:
"Fellows" by Masaaki Endoh
Main Cast:
Hibiki Hibino (日比乃 ひびき) voiced by Youko Honda
Chikagi Katsuragi (桂木 千鍵) voiced by Eri Sendai
Shiki Tohno (遠野 志貴) voiced by Kenji Nojima
Shirō Emiya (衛宮 士郎) voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama
Suppoting Cast:
Mr. Cellphone (ケータイさん) voiced by Daisuke Kishio
Arcueid Brunestud (アルクェイド・ブリュンスタッド) voiced by Ryōka Yuzuki
Saber (セイバー) voiced by Ayako Kawasumi
Ciel (シエル) voiced by Kumi Sakuma
Rin Tōsaka (遠坂 凛) voiced by Kana Ueda
Akiha Tohno (遠野 秋葉) voiced by Hitomi
Sakura Matō (間桐 桜) voiced by Noriko Shitaya
Kohaku (琥珀) voiced by Naoko Takano
Hisui (翡翠) voiced by Miyu Matsuki
Caren Ortensia (カレン・オルテンシア) voiced by Ami Koshimizu
Satsuki Yumizuka (弓塚 さつき) voiced by Omi Minami
Sion Eltnam Atlasia (シオン・エルトナム・アトラシア) voiced by Rio Natsuki
Riesbyfe Stridberg (リーズバイフェ・ストリンドヴァリ) voiced by Akeno Watanabe
Lancer (ランサー) voiced by Nobutoshi Canna
Rider (ライダー) voiced by Yuu Asakawa
Neco Arc (ネコアルク) voiced by Ryouka Yuzuki
Neco Arc Bubbles (ネコアルク・バブルス) voiced by Kumi Sakuma
Neco Arc Chaos (ネコアルク・カオス) voiced by Jōji Nakata
Neco Arc Destiny (ネコアルク・ディスティニー) voiced by Atsuko Tanaka
Neco Arc Evolution (ネコアルク・エボリューション) voiced by Kenji Nojima
Character cameos:
Red Saber (赤セイバー) voiced by Sakura Tange
Gilgamesh (ギルガメッシュ) voiced by Tomokazu Seki
Kirei Kotomine (言峰 綺礼) voiced by Jouji Nakata
Len (レン) voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi
Archer (アーチャー) voiced by Junichi Suwabe
Illyasviel von Einzbern (イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン) voiced by Mai Kadowaki
Berserker (バーサーカー) voiced by Tadahisa Saizen
Miyako Arima (有間 都古) voiced by Miwa Kouzuki
Caster (キャスター) voiced by Atsuko Tanaka
Sōichirō Kuzuki (葛木 宗一郎) voiced by Kazuhiro Nakata
Assassin (アサシン) voiced by Shinichiro Miki
Seven / Nanako (セブン / ななこ) voiced by Haruka Tomatsu
Taiga Fujimura (藤村 大河) voiced by Miki Itou
Bazett Fraga McRemitz (バゼット・フラガ・マクレミッツ) voiced by Hitomi Nabatame
Shinji Matō (間桐 慎二) voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya
Official website: http://www.typemoon.com/products/cp/
Type-Moon Fes site: http://www.typemoonfes.com/

Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA &
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA★ILLYA 2wei!
Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ &
Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ★イリヤ ツヴァイ!
Airing date:
12/7/2013 (TV series, 10 episodes + OVA + 5 specials)
2wei airing date:
July 2014 (second season)
Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Magical girl
Original creator:
Type-Moon and
Hiroshi Hiroyama (aka KALMIA)
Shin Ōnuma,
Takashi Sakamoto (S1) and
Masato Jinbo (S2)
Written by:
Kenji Inoue and
Hazuki Minase
Music by:
Tatsuya Katō
Character designer:
Nozomi Ushijima
Artistic director:
Ken Tateishi
Kentarō Tsubone
Takeshi Yasuda
Sound director:
Masanori Tsuchiya
Sound production:
Dax Production
Animation producer:
Hayato Kaneko
Ai Matsuki and
Jun’ichiro Tamura
Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Tetsuya Dobashi, Nobukazu Kumagai, Tetsu Hirata &
Masahiro Kiba
Music producers:
Shigeru Saito and
Terunari Yoshie
Music production:
Silver Link
Tokyo MX
Opening theme:
"Starlog" by ChouCho
Ending theme:
"Prism Sympathy" by StylipS
Main cast:
Illyasviel von Einzbern (イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン) voiced by Mai Kadowaki
Miyu Edelfelt (美遊・エーデルフェルト) voiced by Kaori Nazuka
Rin Tohsaka (遠坂 凛http://anime.prisma-illya.jp/1st/character/img/detail_rin_face.png) voiced by Kana Ueda
Luviagelita Edelfelt (ルヴィアゼリッタ・エーデルフェルト) voiced by Shizuka Itō
Magical Ruby (マジカルルビー) voiced by Naoko Takano
Magical Sapphire (マジカルサファイア) voiced by Miyu Matsuki
Kuroe von Einzbern (クロエ・フォン・アインツベルン) voiced by Chiwa Saitō
Shirō Emiya (衛宮 士郎) voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama
Sella (セラ) voiced by Haruhi Terada
Leysritt (リーゼリット) voiced by Miho Miyagawa
Taiga Fujimura (藤村 大河) voiced by Miki Itou
Nanaki Moriyama (森山 那奈亀) voiced by Mariya Ise
Tatsuko Gakumazawa (嶽間沢 龍子) voiced by Emiri Katō
Suzuhana Kurihara (栗原 雀花) voiced by Kanae Itō
Mimi Katsura (桂 美々) voiced by Satomi Satō
Saber Alter / Arturia Pendragon (セイバー) voiced by Ayako Kawasumi
Rider / Medusa (ライダー) voiced by Yuu Asakawa
Caster / Medea (キャスター) voiced by Atsuko Tanaka
Berserker / Heracles (バーサーカー) voiced by Tadahisa Saizen
Hassan-i-Sabah / Assassin (アサシン) voiced by Takuo Kawamura
Irisviel von Einzbern (アイリスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン) voiced by Sayaka Ohara
Bazett Fraga McRemitz (バゼット・フラガ・マクレミッツ) voiced by Hitomi Nabatame
Caren Hortensia (カレン・オルテンシア) voiced by Ami Koshimizu
Waver Velvet (ウェイバー・ベルベット) voiced by Daisuke Namikawa
Issei Ryūdō (柳洞 一成) voiced by Mitsuaki Madono
Nanami Moriyama (森山 奈菜巳)
TV series teaser: http://www.youtube.com/embed/66JY7HRFpcE?rel=0&autoplay=1
TV series PV: http://www.youtube.com/embed/7aqZQmXSNkA?rel=0&autoplay=1
TV series PV 2: http://www.youtube.com/embed/LRXcx5IaQcg?rel=0&autoplay=1
2wei PV: http://www.youtube.com/embed/-DrtaUevsjc?rel=0&autoplay=1
Official website: http://anime.prisma-illya.jp/
S1 website: http://anime.prisma-illya.jp/1st/
Synopsis: Illyaviel von Einzbern is an ordinary middle school student who becomes a magical girl when the magical Kaleidostick Ruby deems her a more suitable master than the sorceress, Rin Tosaka. Rin, who had been tasked by the wizard Zelretch to collect the seven Class Cards containing the spirits of Heroic Spirits from legend, finds that she is unable to change Ruby's mind and must supervise Illya in completing the task of collecting the Class Cards. During Illya's adventures, she receives a friend and rival in a girl named Miyu, the contracted master of the Kaleidostick Sapphire, which similarly abandoned its original master and Rin's rival, Luvia Edelfelt.
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz, their quest for the 8th card continues...
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!!, 12 Episodes this Cour unlike previous years
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: 0ath Under Snow, pre-Miyuverse quick Grail War

Airing date:
1/7/2017 (TV series 25 episodes)
Action, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Magic, Supernatural
Original creator:
Kinoko Nasu (TYPE-MOON)
Original character designers:
Ototsugu Konoe (light novel) and
Akira Ishida (
Yoshiyuki Asai
Written by:
Yūichirō Higashide (LN)
Music by:
Masaru Yokōyama
Character designer and chief animation director:
Yūkei Yamada
Sub-character designer:
Tomoko Sudō
Art director:
Kazuhiro Inoue
Sound director:
Yoshikazu Iwanami
CGI director:
Hiroshi Nakajima
Action director:
Hayao Enokido
Director of photography:
Masaharu Okazaki
Background art by:
Nobuhito Sue
Color setting by:
Makiko Doi and
Takahiro Mogi
Monster design by:
Hidekazu Ebina
Prop design by:
Kazuma Tanaka and
Kiminori Itō
Editing by:
Ayumu Takahashi
A-1 Pictures
Tokyo MX, BS11, GTV, GYT, MBS
Opening theme:
"Eiyū - Unmei no Uta (英雄運 命の詩 / Heroes - Song of Fate)" by Egoist
Ending theme:
"Désir (Desire)" by Garnidelia
Main cast:
Ruler (ルーラー) / Joan of Arc (ジャンヌ・ダルク) voiced by Maaya Sakamoto
Sieg (ジーク) voiced by Natsuki Hanae
Red faction: Saber of Red (赤のセイバー) / Mordred (モードレッド) voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
Archer of Red (赤のアーチャー) / Atalante (アタランテ) voiced by Saori Hayami
Lancer of Red (赤のランサー) / Karna (カルナ) voiced by Kōji Yusa
Rider of Red (赤のライダー) / Achilles (アキレウス) voiced by Makoto Furukawa
Caster of Red (赤のキャスター) / William Shakespeare (ウィリ アム・シェイクスピア) voiced by Tetsu Inada
Berserker of Red (赤のバーサーカー) / Spartacus (スパルタクス) voiced by Satoshi Tsuruoka
Assassin of Red (赤のアサシン) / Semiramis (セミラミス) voiced by Kei Shindō
Black faction: Saber of Black (黒のセイバー) / Siegfried (ジークフリート) voiced by Junichi Suwabe
Archer of Black (黒のアーチャー) / Chiron (ケイローン) voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi
Lancer of Black (黒のランサー) / Vlad III (ヴラド三世) voiced by Ryōtarō Okiayu
Rider of Black (黒のライダー) / Astolfo (アストルフォ) voiced by Rumi Ōkubo
Caster of Black (黒のキャスタ) / Avicebron (アヴィケブロン) voiced by Mitsuru Miyamoto
Berserker of Black (黒のバーサーカー) / Frankenstein's monster (フランケンシュタインの怪物) voiced by Ai Nonaka
Assassin of Black (黒のアサシン) / Jack the Ripper (ジャッ ク・ザ・リッパー) voiced by Sakura Tange
Masters of Black: Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia (ダーニック・プレストーン・ユグドミレニア) voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama
Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia (フィオレ・フォルヴェッジ・ユグドミレニア) voiced by Chinatsu Akasaki
Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia (カウレス・フォルヴェッジ・ユグドミレニア) voiced by Yūsuke Kobayashi
Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia (ゴルド・ムジーク・ユグドミレニア) voiced by Tōru Ohkawa
Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia (セレニケ・アイスコル・ユグドミレニア) voiced by Shizuka Ishigami
Roche Frain Yggdmillennia (ロシェ・フレイン・ユグドミレニア) voiced by Emiri Katō
Reika Rikudō (六導玲霞) voiced by Mai Nakahara
Masters of Red: Shirō Kotomine (シロウ・コトミネ) voiced by Kōki Uchiyama
Kairi Shishigō (獅子劫界離) voiced by Kenji Nomura
Jean Rum (ジーン・ラム)
Rottweil Berzinsky (ロットウェル・ペルジンスキー)
Feend vor Sembren (フィーンド・ヴォル・センベルン)
Cabik Pentel (キャビィク・ペンテル)
Deimlet Pentel (デムライト・ペンテル)

Supporting cast:
Rocco Belfeban (ロッコ・ベルフェバン) voiced by Tomohisa Aso
Lord El-Melloi II (ロード・エルメロイII世) voiced by Daisuke Namikawa
Flat Escardos (フラット・エスカルドス) voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Hyōma Sagara (相良豹馬)
Bram Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri (ブラム・ヌァザレ・ソフィアリ)
Reines El-Melloi Archisorte (ライネス・エルメロイ・アーチゾルテ)
Trimmau (トリムマウ)
Synopsis: The story is set in a parallel world to original Fate/stay night, where the House of Einzbern summoned a Ruler rather than an Avenger in the Third Holy Grail War, and the Holy Grail was removed from Fuyuki City to Romania after the war. Thus the events of Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero never happened. After many years of silence, around the same time as the Fifth Holy Grail War would have happened, the Yggdmillennia, a family of magi, openly declares their secession from the Mage's Association, and that they are in possession of the Grail. The Association dispatches fifty magi to retrieve it, and all but one are instantly slaughtered by a mysterious Servant. The one remaining manages to activate the reserve system of the Greater Grail, allowing for the summoning of fourteen Servants in total. In the city of Trifas, two factions will fight for the control of the sacred relic, each of them possessing their own team of seven Servants: the Black Faction whose members are part of Yggdmillennia, protecting the Grail, and the Red Faction whose members were sent by the Mage's Association, trying to take the Grail back. For an event of this scale, the Grail itself summons its own Servant, the holy Ruler, to oversee the conflict. This marks the start of the Great Holy Grail War.
Fate/Apocrypha cour 2, more recap Betrayals or recontracts than other Fate/s?
Fate/EXTRA Last Encore, Red Saber right after F/A's Saber of red? same thread!

フェイト/エクストラ ラストアンコール
Airing date:
27/1/2018 (TV series)
Original creators:
TYPE-MOON, Marvelous and
ImageEpoch (PlayStation Portable)
Original character designer:
Akiyuki Shinbo
Series director:
Yukihiro Miyamoto
Written by:
Kinoko Nasu
Music by:
Satoru Kōsaki
Character designer:
Masaaki Takiyama
Chief animation director:
Hiroki Yamamura
Art director:
Takuma Mochizuki
Sound director:
Yōta Tsuruoka
CGI director:
Shin'ya Takano
Director of photography:
Takayuki Aizu
Action animation director:
Kazuhiro Miwa
Color key by:
Jin Hibino
Editing by:
Rie Matsubara
Tokyo MX, GTV, GYT, BS11, MBS
Opening theme:
"Bright Burning Shout" by Takanori Nishikawa
Ending theme:
"Tsuki to Hanataba (月と花束 / Moon and Bouquet)" by Sayuri
Main cast:
Saber (セイバー) / Nero Claudius (ネロ・クラウディウス) voiced by Sakura Tange
Masters: Hakuno Kishinami (岸浪ハクノ) voiced by Atsushi Abe
Rin Tōsaka (遠坂リン) voiced by Kana Ueda
Shinji Matō (間桐シンジ) voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya
Sakura Matō (間桐桜) voiced by Noriko Shitaya
Supporting cast:
Misao Amari (尼里ミサオ) voiced by Ayaka Imamura
Servants: Rider (ライダー) / Francis Drake (フランシス・ドレイク) voiced by Urara Takano
Caster (キャスター) / Nursery Rhyme (ナーサリーライム) voiced by Ai Nonaka
Assassin (アサシン) / Li Shuwen (李書文) voiced by Kunihiko Yasui
Archer (アーチャー) / Robin Hood (ロビンフッド) voiced by Kōsuke Toriumi
Saber (セイバー) / Gawain (ガウェイン) voiced by Takahiro Mizushima
Lancer (ランサー)
Berserker (バーサーカー)
Saver (セイヴァー)
Synopsis: Waking up in a strange virtual world with no recollection of the past, Hakuno finds himself forced to fight for survival in a war he does not understand for a prize beyond value; the opportunity to have one's wish granted. With only an enigmatic "Servant" by his side, Hakuno Kishinami will have to face both friends and foes in battles to the death in order to not only gain possession of a mysterious object known as the "Holy Grail," but also to find the answer to the most important question of all: "Who am I?"
F/E-LE: Illustrias Geocentrism (Ptolemaic Theory), Is that really its Last Encore?

Fate/Grand Order -First Order-
Airing dates:
31/12/2016 (TV special) and
31/12/2017 (Moonlight/Lostroom)
Release dates:
30/7/2015 (Android),
12/8/2015 (iOS) and
25/6/2017 (US)
Action, Fantasy, Magic, Supernatural
Original creator:
Kinoko Nasu (Type-Moon)
Original character designers:
Takashi Takeuchi, Arco Wada, Mata and
Hitoshi Nanba (TV),
Takurō Tsukada (assistant) and
Yōsuke Shiokawa (RPG)
Unit directors:
Motohiro Abe (FO),
Shunji Maki and
Tomoya Kunisaki (ML)
Written by:
Namimi Sanjō (TV),
Ayumi Sekine (FO),
Futoshi Higashide, Sayaka Morikawa, Tomoyuki Kurokawa (ML),
Yuichiro Higashide, Hikaru Sakurai, Hazuki Minase and
Meteo Hoshizora (RPG)
Music by:
Ryō Kawasaki (TV) and
Keita Haga (RPG)
Chief animation directors and character designers:
Keisuke Gōto (FO) and
Tomokatsu Nagasaku (ML)
Animation directors:
Keiichi Tsuboyama, Tomoko Sugidomari, Yūki Nakano (FO),
Hiromi Niwa, Shōhei Nishijima and
Yukiko Ōkada (ML)
Music director:
Katsuhiko Asano (FO)
Sound director:
Takeshi Takadera (FO)
CGI director:
Motoi Ōkunō (FO)
Directors of photography:
Shinya Matsui (FO) and
Yasuhiro Asagi (assistant)
Art director:
Takuya Ebisawa (FO)
Art design by:
Takeshi Satō (FO)
Design works by:
Takashi Akaishizawa (FO)
Color setting by:
Satoshi Takezawa and
Asami Maruyama (FO)
Paint by:
Kazuyuki Kojima (FO)
Paint check by:
Asami Maruyama (FO),
Makoto Iguchi and
Tomoko Yamazaki (assistants)
In-between check by:
Akiko Ikemure and
Takeshi Ōkoshi (FO)
Music arrangement by:
Ryō Eguchi and
Tōru Ishitsuka (FO)
Music production assistants:
Chie Nakamura and
Yōta Habano (FO)
Recording by:
Nobuhira Hirano (FO) and
Ryōko Nashimoto (assistant)
Sound effects by:
Naoto Yamatani, Takuya Hasegawa and
Yasunori Ōgata (FO)
Motion graphics by:
Koremi Kishi (FO)
Editing by:
Gō Sadamatsu (FO) and
Shūji Matsumoto (assistant)
HD editing by:
Daisuke Miyauchi, Masaru Kitamoto and
Yūki Honda (FO)
HD editing production manager:
Yūsuke Katada (FO)
Planning by:
Akihito Shōji, Atsuhiro Iwakami and
Tomotaka Takeuchi (FO)
Foley by:
Shizuo Kurahashi (FO)
Setting production by:
Miki Narumi (FO)
Production desk:
Kazuki Enami (FO)
Production affairs by:
Ayumi Takahashi, Chiaki Yobe and
Michiko Kobayashi (FO)
Sound production manager:
Yūsuke Watanabe (FO)
Animation producer:
Noritomo Yonai (FO)
CG producer:
Kosuke Kurokawa (FO)
Shizuka Kurosaki (FO) and
Atsuhiro Iwakami (RPG)
Publicity producer:
Toshiyuki Kanezawa (FO)
Publicity by:
Kenta Satono, Takashi Kimura and
Tokurō Sasatani (FO)
Sales promotion by:
Hiroki Shimada (FO)
Lay-duce (TV) and
Delightworks (RPG)
Ending theme:
"Shikisai (色彩 / Color)" by Maaya Sakamoto (FO)
Main cast:
Ritsuka Fujimaru (藤丸立香) voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki (JP) and Griffin Burns (EN)
Demi-Servant (デミ・サーヴァント): Mash Kyrielight (マシュ・キリエライト) / Shielder (シールダー) voiced by Rie Takahashi (JP) and Erica Mendez (EN)
Supporting cast:
Fou (フォウ) voiced by Ayako Kawasumi (JP) and Abby Trott (EN)

Olga-Marie Earthmilate Animusphere (オルガマリー・アースミレイト・アニムスフィア) voiced by Madoka Yonezawa (JP) and Kira Buckland (EN)
Romani Arkiman / Archaman (ロマニ・アーキマン) voiced by Kenichi Suzumura (JP) and Xander Mobus (EN)
Lev Lainur / Leff Lynor Flauros (レフ・ライノール・フラウロス) voiced by Tomokazu Sugita (JP) and Jalen K. Cassell (EN)
Arturia Pendragon (アルトリア・ペンドラゴン) / Saber Alter (セイバー オルタ) voiced by Ayako Kawasumi (JP) and Kari Wahlgren (EN)
Cú Chulainn (クー・フーリン) / Caster (キャスター) voiced by Nobutoshi Canna (JP) and Tony Oliver (EN)
Emiya (エミヤ) / Archer (アーチャー) voiced by Junichi Suwabe (JP) and Kaiji Tang (EN)
Medusa (メドゥーサ) / Lancer (ランサー) voiced by Yū Asakawa (JP) and Melissa Fahn (EN)
Synopsis: The story is set in the year 2015, during the final era over which magic still held a strong influence. The humanity survival and security organization Chaldea was established to observe the world that can only be seen by magic and the world that can only be measured by science; as well as to prevent the final extinction of humanity. Thanks to the efforts of many researchers, the path of human history has been ensured for 100 years into the future. However, without warning, the realm of the future that was under constant observation by Chaldea vanished. The extinction of humanity in 2017 was observed—no, confirmed. The apparent cause of the extinction was in the Japanese city of Fuyuki in 2004. In that city, there was an "unobservable realm" which had never existed until now. Chaldea issued the Grand Order for a "Holy Grail Expedition," to investigate, uncover, and possibly destroy the singularity that apparently will cause the extinction of humanity.
Game was first drafted by Kinoko Nasu under the working title "Fate Online Project Reboot", which meant to be a Massive Multiplayer Online
Game version of Fate/Apocrypha using designs drafts and concepts from the Fate/complete material IV Extra material book. But the planned
Game was cancelled and shelved during planning stages. Fate/Apocrypha later became a novel, and some of the concepts and characters were integrated into both the finished series and the
Game itself. Later on in 2014, Aniplex proposed Nasu to revisit the cancelled
Game project, announcing a collaboration with the
Game studio DelightWorks to rework the concept into an Mobile RPG
Fate/Grand Order: MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM, Prologue 'Cosmos in the Lostbelt
F/GO final singularity: Solomon (2021), Camelot (2020-21) & Babylonia (2019-20)

Today's MENU for EMIYA Family (What's Cooking at the Emiya House Today?)
Airing dates:
25/1/2018 (monthly short ONA series) and
31/12/2017 (New Year special)
Comedy, Slice of Life
Original creators:
TAa (
Manga) and
Kinoko Nasu (Type-Moon)
Takahiro Miura and
Tetsuto Satō
Written by:
Yū Takanaka
Music by:
Gō Shiina
Character designer:
Tōko Uchimura
3D director:
Daiki Teppōzuka
Sound director:
Hikaru Kondō
Director of photography:
Sae Yoshikawa
Art director:
Kazuo Ebisawa
Assistant art directors:
Shiori Tanigawa and
Yūko Kito
Shopping district animation director:
Takayuki Mogi
Color design by:
Yūko Ōmae and
Yurie Ushio
Culinary supervision by:
Makoto Tadano
Tool development by:
Satoru Yokoyama and
Yūki Yamaguchi
Planning by:
Atsuhiro Iwakami (Aniplex)
Editing by:
Manabu Kamino
Shizuka Kurosaki (Aniplex) and
Tomotaka Takeuchi (Notes)
Production administration by:
Ryō Kondō
Production advancement by:
Takashi Toda
Production manager:
Ryu Suzuki
Opening theme:
"Apron Boy (エプロンボーイ)" by DJ Misoshiru & MC Gohan
Ending theme:
"Collage (コラージュ)" by Sangatsu no Phantasia
Main cast:
Shirou Emiya (
衛宮 士郎) voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama
Saber (
セイバー) voiced by Ayako Kawasumi
Taiga Fujimura (
藤村 大河) voiced by Miki Itō
Illyasviel von Einzbern (
イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン) voiced by Mai Kadowaki
Lancer (ランサー) voiced by Hiroshi Mikami
Rin Tohsaka (遠坂 凛) voiced by Kana Ueda
Sakura Matō (間桐 桜) voiced by Noriko Shitaya
Rider (ライダー) voiced by Yū Asakawa
Assassin (アサシン) voiced by Shinichiro Miki
Shinji Matō (間桐 慎二) voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya
Ayako Mitsuzuri (美綴綾子) voiced by Fumie Mizusawa
Issei Ryūdō (柳洞 一成) voiced by Mitsuaki Madono
Kiritsugu Emiya (衛宮 切嗣) voiced by Rikiya Koyama
Caster (キャスター) voiced by Atsuko Tanaka
Sōichirō Kuzuki (葛木 宗一郎) voiced by Kazuhiro Nakata
Archer (アーチャー) voiced by Junichi Suwabe
Supporting cast:
Yukika Saegusa (三枝由紀香) voiced by Eri Nakao
Kaede Makidera (蒔寺楓) voiced by Michiru Yuimoto

Kane Himuro (氷室鐘) voiced by Rie Nakagawa
Berserker (バーサーカー) voiced by Tadahisa Saizen
Leysritt (リーゼリット) voiced by Miho Miyagawa
Sella (セラ) voiced by Haruhi Nanao
Gilgamesh (ギルガメッシュ) voiced by Tomokazu Seki
Kirei Kotomine (言峰 綺礼) voiced by Jōji Nakata
Synopsis: A Fate/stay Night spin-off focused on cooking.
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note, no F/GO this new year?
The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note, Special Arc Tv Movie