@Maiku_Ando A slow cooker is great, essentially it's a decent sized pot with a lid, you throw food in, set on high or low, come back later, foods ready and you just need to serve. There are some fancy slow cookers that allow you to fry and all sorts. I work shifts that are literally all over the place, so getting the chance to cook properly is impossible add in to the fact that my partner things fancy dining is a chicken goujon since she doesn't eat much else I pretty much cook for myself. Lately I've been asking my grandad for his recipes on Jamaican Curried Goat, Jerk Chicken and Jamaican Brown Stew and adapting them for the slow cooker, turned out an absolute treat so my freezer is full of nuggets and Jamaican food now.
@warita200 I've always liked cooking, my Dad made sure growing up that me and my brother could always cook something. So I enjoy it, but I never have the time, plus my girlfriend doesn't like anything that isn't processed so that doesn't help. One of my dreams right now is to have a dinner party with some friends and jusr get to cook for them. Gardening however isn't something I took to until I moved in with my partner, I had house plants when I lived with my parents but they always seemed to die. Then for some reason by Nan brought me lots of gardening stuff when I moved in with my partner and tried it and just took to it. Unfortunately where I'm living now doesnt have a garden with a lawn or anything like that so all my plants atm are potted. I'm looking at getting a small green house next year though so I can grow some veg.
@Maiku_Ando Nah leave me retired, I'll probably still post but I feel I've had my time so I'm happy like this. But I'll try posting more in the manga section, but honestly that place has always been rather dead, I spent a good chunk of time tyring to post their originally but even when this place was busy it was still dead there apart from Bleach and Naruto threads. But I'll give it ago.
@monsta666 I thought you were digitally dead, I went to MAL since I assumed you and Jun both didn't come here anymore so I can start chatting to you both and your MAL accounts hadn't been used in awhile. So got really bummed out, especially since wjen we last chatted lots of stuff has happened like my team getting Juns teams manager who then lead us to our first league title in forever while his team have barely recovered and Arsenal and well..... Arsenal.
As for what I'm doing, host a bbq for my parents yesterday, was the first time I'd been able to have them around since before my birthday in December last year. I've got my first Covid Jab today, terrified of needles so that will be fun.
@warita200 I've always liked cooking, my Dad made sure growing up that me and my brother could always cook something. So I enjoy it, but I never have the time, plus my girlfriend doesn't like anything that isn't processed so that doesn't help. One of my dreams right now is to have a dinner party with some friends and jusr get to cook for them. Gardening however isn't something I took to until I moved in with my partner, I had house plants when I lived with my parents but they always seemed to die. Then for some reason by Nan brought me lots of gardening stuff when I moved in with my partner and tried it and just took to it. Unfortunately where I'm living now doesnt have a garden with a lawn or anything like that so all my plants atm are potted. I'm looking at getting a small green house next year though so I can grow some veg.
@Maiku_Ando Nah leave me retired, I'll probably still post but I feel I've had my time so I'm happy like this. But I'll try posting more in the manga section, but honestly that place has always been rather dead, I spent a good chunk of time tyring to post their originally but even when this place was busy it was still dead there apart from Bleach and Naruto threads. But I'll give it ago.
@monsta666 I thought you were digitally dead, I went to MAL since I assumed you and Jun both didn't come here anymore so I can start chatting to you both and your MAL accounts hadn't been used in awhile. So got really bummed out, especially since wjen we last chatted lots of stuff has happened like my team getting Juns teams manager who then lead us to our first league title in forever while his team have barely recovered and Arsenal and well..... Arsenal.
As for what I'm doing, host a bbq for my parents yesterday, was the first time I'd been able to have them around since before my birthday in December last year. I've got my first Covid Jab today, terrified of needles so that will be fun.