Wallpaper gallery

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Is it a good idea to have a gallery with the walpaper of the wallpapers of the previous competitions

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-kenja sama
I was thinking about something, concerning the walpaper competition.

Maybe it would be a good idea to create an offcial FTV anime walpaper gallery with every competition entry and the winner clearly layed out at the top. I think it could boost this site's popularity and it would preserve these great looking wallpaper for future member in an easily accessible place.
Maybe we would also get more entries in the next competition.

Of course it is up to Daft, it depends what he thinks about it.
yah bold... i really believe that it would be good to compile everything.. it would be really sad and kinda a lost if all those hard work and nice wallpapers go to waste... man i hope any mod would be kind enough to do that...
because if you guys don't...
i will do it myself.
(just wanna help.
Well it's up to daft if he want's to put it up on the main page. I already created a place where i preserve the wallpapers of the winners and the status of the comps.
hmm... i don't agree. Don't the creators want to appeal to others and see their judgment about it? unless there's a review link for each wallpaper.
well let's keep everything as it is for now. if there's some type of dispute or something, we'll think of something (or at least DoR, MKK, or Daft will)
hmmm i dont know i dont think a little wallpaper gallery is gonna boost up the sites popularity very much, but it do be great way to preserve the wallpapers from the comps.
I would not touch the current thread with the comments and all.

The idea was to host the wall paper on the FTV server and not image shack. Because they will eventually delete the files over there. And putting the files in a "special section" sounded like a good way to preserve them. Either on the forum or on the main site itself.
i suggest in the forum!
in the general and be pinned like the other thread which are good.
(man now i'm starting to spam.
QUOTE (Bold @ Feb 20 2006, 05:44 AM) I would not touch the current thread with the comments and all.

The idea was to host the wall paper on the FTV server and not image shack.
Ah, I didn't get that at all from you're first post
I guess that could work too, but yeah, it's all up to daft and what he wants to do.
Well i could suggest the following with daft. A Art section with the following sub threads:

> Art section:
- General art section (show off you art skills, signature's, wallpapers etc...)
- Competition section (were wallpaper and signature comps will be held)
- Art gallery (were all the comp entrants work will be posted in locked threads so people can watch and download everybody's work)

It's just a idea and i don't know if Daft want to add this to the forum. Because it is still his forum. But if you people agree with this i can always try to ask him. But all art must contain anime / manga and nothing else, because this is a anime site/forum.
QUOTE (chiisai_hana @ Feb 20 2006, 05:09 PM)Ah, I didn't get that at all from you're first post
well, that is because the idea evolved and got refined since I my first post. I talked it over with Daft and got a better idea of how doable this idea was.

That art section would be a great idea. I think its the easiest.
No modification to the main site's code.
It's plainly visible and get the attention of users.
Locked thread to allow for the best online experience as prepared by the kin mods

Plus, Daft showed how images could be hosted on the FTV server. So all the support is available. There is just the question of performance of the server to host such big images.

I also agree with the anime related art only rule. As you said, this is a anime site. So there is no point in hosting non-anime related work.
hmm...yes, i do like the idea of this. as for the general art section, it would be similar to the sig. and ava. display (which means a lot of commenting and such...) also, we can have a friendly compitition in this forum (brings back the ALS vs. A-ALS days...). But first, lets poll this idea and see if it would be appealing.

EDIT: i'll make a poll in the general discussions thread, since more users are involved with outside chat and all the ideas for this is mainly in that thread.
hey can the art section also contain a scan section or a section where u can request for scans or would that take to much space.
hmm.... when you mean "scan section", do you mean hand-drawn art that you want to upload? i don't know about the idea, but bold might.
Only mods are able to upload files to the FTV server. This way its easier to make sure it is not overloaded with large amount of pictures and questionnable content.

But you could host those files on file shack and put them in the general drawing thread. If the drawing is consider really exceptionnal, I guess it could be transfered on the forum for safe keeping. But I don't think an automatic hosting here is a good thing. Otherwise, it could cost some money to make sure there is enough disk space.
I think that scans have nothing to do with art in general. So i am against it. But if you want scans create a request thread in the general section, and people can only post links to the image's on imagehosts. Also i was thinking of adding one more section: Tutorials.
Tutorials??? as in, how to make art on computers, using photoshop and such??? hmm... i think that's a great idea. hmm... I'd also like to help on that.
DOR make that thread!
it is ok for me for you to be my sensei!
just make the thread and help us please...
don't wanna always be a noob in using photoshop... T_T
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