Video games and gender

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This thing about girls not playing games brings to mind the stereotype that games are for young people and adults are no good at them. But I know a couple of mums who always beat their children when playing computer games, which defies both stereotypes at once! And I recently heard a Japanese student say that she only managed to finish the Moyashimon game (where you have to collect all the microbes) when her mum helped her out.
Hmm...i have to say that this looks pretty off to me. i'm a girl, and i love videogames-- and in turn i know some guys that cant stand videogames. i don't think that it has anything to do with ones gender. in my opinion it is how they are received by the person; if you live in a house with a bunch of siblings then you are probably more likely to play videogames than if you were the only child in a house and received your parent's full attention (they'd have less "me-time"). Also, it has to do with that person's interests, if they can share it with friends, whether they have good hand-eye coordination, and if it is looked down upon or not in their "clique". It is definately something more to do with the person's experiences and friends than their genetic make-up.
Me and my girlfriend can both play the usual serios games and stuff like that.
But !
A problem here can be advertising.
For example in MMORPGs. Almost every game has a female on the cover.
Age of Conan atracted ( was a hype for it at start but in the end was pure desaster ) males especially ; a hot chick with big breasts on the cover , i mean wtf ; even if you don`t want to buy the game , when you see something like that you pick up the game to at least check it ; the game's first patch was increasing the breasts' size

Anyway , my point is not talking bout girls , but it`s about advertisement.
So i understand if a male is more atracted by a game with a female on the cover than a girl.
Check it , it`s kinda true

- hope someone didn`t bring this idea in the past
Would it not be because of the image that video games are all full of violence and this would normally make most girls shy away from them?

Also there is the image of the lazy antisocial gamer that you find the media portray us all as, it could be that most girls wouldn't want to be seen as that where men don't really care?
Regarding the Conan MMORPG the setting is pretty much a male-centric one as in general most guys are geared psychologically towards things like violence, swords and if you also look at the films/books it's based on women were generally depicted with quite revealing outfits.

Also as it's centred towards guys and we're designed to think about one certain thing most of the time the advertisers logically decided to use that to appeal to as many male customers as poossible, hence: hot chicks with not much on.
It's the universl rule with advertising: sex sells
(heck even makeup ads work on the principle that it will make the woman look prettier thus more likely to get the guy she wants)
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