IMPORTANT: The question is NOT if you agree with those actions. The question is do you understand why a nation resorted to such horibles and terrible actions
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This is a second general question thread. Keep in mind I am trying to explain the pasts events. Not condoming or supporting them.
The question is do you have an understanding of what happend in germany around 1939 that caused the german goverment to invade its neighboors and to start a genocide against jews.
I will simply start the discussion by saying the german people did not all sudenly turn completely mad and insane. And keep in mind that Hitler was supported by his people, so it was not a military coup where the country was forced into a war they did not choose.
As for the jews, why them? What made them, in the public eyes, so dangerous and despicable that they should be emprissoned (most people did not know about the death part of the death camps) A part of the answer might lie in the image that some jews had. They were often seen as rich people (banker and jeweler mainly). And Germany was having large economic issues partly due to the penalties inflicted on them for loosing the first war.
So in the mind of many people, the jews, which were some times immigrants, seemed a cause of the problem. After all, how could they be so rich while others were having such a hard time!
I will stop here for now and let others bring their thougths.
As always, forum rules apply. Read them -> RULES
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This is a second general question thread. Keep in mind I am trying to explain the pasts events. Not condoming or supporting them.
The question is do you have an understanding of what happend in germany around 1939 that caused the german goverment to invade its neighboors and to start a genocide against jews.
I will simply start the discussion by saying the german people did not all sudenly turn completely mad and insane. And keep in mind that Hitler was supported by his people, so it was not a military coup where the country was forced into a war they did not choose.
As for the jews, why them? What made them, in the public eyes, so dangerous and despicable that they should be emprissoned (most people did not know about the death part of the death camps) A part of the answer might lie in the image that some jews had. They were often seen as rich people (banker and jeweler mainly). And Germany was having large economic issues partly due to the penalties inflicted on them for loosing the first war.
So in the mind of many people, the jews, which were some times immigrants, seemed a cause of the problem. After all, how could they be so rich while others were having such a hard time!
I will stop here for now and let others bring their thougths.