Japanese: マーベルアベンジャーズコンフィデンシャル:ブラックウィドウとパニッシャー/ディスク・ウォーズ:アベンジャーズ
Release and airing dates: 25/3/2014 (OVA movie) and 2/4/2014 (TV series)
Genres: Action, Superhero
Original creators: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Larry Lieber, Joe Simon and Steve Ditko
Directors: Kenichi Shimizu (OVA) and Toshiaki Komura (TV)
Written by: Mitsutaka Hirota (OVA) and King Ryū (TV)
Story by: Marjorie Liu (OVA)
Music by: Studio Kitchen (TV)
Character designer: Tadayoshi Yamamuro (TV)
Art design by: Bonzen Sumono and Nobuto Sakamoto (TV)
Mech designer: Shuntarō Mura (TV)
Production head: Yasuhiko Nukaga (TV)
Studios: Madhouse (OVA) and Toei Animation (TV)
Network: TXN (TV Tokyo)
Opening theme: "Tsukiyabureru (突キ破レル) - Time to SMASH!" by T.M.Revolution
Ending theme: "Thread of fate" by T.M.Revolution

OVA cast: Punisher / Frank Castle (パニッシャー / フランク・キャッスル) by Brian Bloom (EN) and Tessyo Genda (JP)
Black Widow / Natasha Romanova (ブラック・ウィドー) voiced by Jennifer Carpenter (EN) & Miyuki Sawashiro (JP)
Nicholas "Nick" Fury (ニック・フューリー長官) voiced by John Eric Bentley (EN), Hisao Egawa & Hideaki Tezuka (JP)

Hawkeye / Clint Barton (ホークアイ / クリント・バートン) by Troy Baker (EN), Eiji Takemoto & Shūhei Sakaguchi (JP)
Amadeus Cho (アマデウス・チョウ) voiced by Eric Bauza
Orion (オリオン) voiced by J.B. Blanc
Maria Hill voiced by Kari Wahlgren
Ren voiced by Fred Tatasciore
Cain voiced by Kyle Hebert
Egghead voiced by Grant George
Non-credited cast cameos: Captain Marvel, Grim Reaper, Graviton, Griffin, Taskmaster and Baron Zemo

OVA/TV: Iron Man / Tony Stark (アイアンマン / トニー・スターク) by Matthew Mercer (EN) and Eiji Hanawa (JP)
Hulk / Bruce Banner (ハルク) voiced by Fred Tatasciore (EN) and Kenichirou Matsuda (JP)
Thor / Donald Blake (ソー) voiced by Yasuyuki Kase

TV series: Captain America / Steve Rogers (キャプテン・アメリカ) voiced by Kazuhiro Nakaya
Wasp / Janet van Dyne (ワスプ)http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/dw_avengers/images/chara/chara_wasp.png voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi
Akira Akatsuki (アカツキ・アキラ) voiced by Mitsuki Saiga
Edward Grant (エドワード・グラント) voiced by Yayoi Sugaya
Hikaru Akatsuki (アカツキ・ヒカル) voiced by Yūichi Iguchi
Chris Taylor (クリス・テイラー) voiced by Yūsuke Kuwahata
Jessica Shannon (ジェシカ・シャノン) voiced by Naomi Ohzora
Spider-Man / Peter Parker (スパイダーマン / ピーター・パーカー) voiced by Shinji Kawada
Loki (ロキ) voiced by Tadashi Mutō
Virginia "Pepper" Potts (ペッパー・ポッツ) voiced Fumie Mizusawa
War Machine / James "Rhodey" Rhodes (ウォーマシン / ジェームズ・ローディ) voiced by Hidenori Takahashi
Wolverine / James "Logan" Howlett (ウルヴァリン / ジェームズ・ハウレット) voiced by Kenji Nomura
Cyclops / Scott Summers (サイクロップス / スコット・サマーズ) voiced by Takahiro Yoshimizu
Storm / Ororo "Beyonzo" Munroe (ストーム / オロロ・マンロー) voiced by Yayoi Sugaya
Beast / Henry "Hank" McCoy (ビースト / ヘンリー・マッコイ) voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka
Professor X / Charles Xavier (プロフェッサーX / チャールズ・エグゼビア) voiced by Osamu Saka
Tim (ティム) voiced by Mitsuaki Madono
Crimson Dynamo voiced by Tetsu Inada
OVA trailer: http://www.youtube.com/embed/4KVnRR5QIus?rel=0&autoplay=1
OVA PV clip: http://marvel.com/videos/watch/3691/avenge...r_extended_clip
TV series PV: http://www.youtube.com/embed/fmvUnYiripg?rel=0&autoplay=1
TV series CM: http://www.youtube.com/embed/TtqheBh4IsY?rel=0&autoplay=1
Official sites: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/dw_avengers/ & http://www.disney.co.jp/diskwars/
English website (OVA): http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/avenger...kwidowpunisher/
Synopsis: After interfering with a top secret mission, The Punisher is taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and Avenger, Black Widow. At the orders of director Nick Fury, Punisher and Black Widow are sent on a mission to stop Leviathan, a global terrorist organization, that plans to sell stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. technology to the highest bidder. Now, the vigilante and spy must work together to prevent this technology from falling into the wrong hands. The fate of the world, and of the Avengers, hangs in the balance.
Disk Wars: Avengers' story will revolve around how the Avengers—Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk together with the help of Spider-Man and a group of teens—will harness their respective fighting skills and superhuman powers to foil Loki's scheme to take over the world.
QUOTE (franzoir @ Apr 19 2013, 02:57 PM)The other day Lovefilm dropped off Ironman: Rise of Technovore through my postal box. After watching it, I can probably say it is Marvel's best foray into the world of anime but it is still terrible.as a fan of Marvel Comics yesterday I watched and liked its new OVA AC:BW&P over I:ROT, for me it's not as good as most MC liveaction films since X-Men but better than many MC animes... starting with 'Heroman' ¬¬ well it's been a long time since I tried a kiddie show that promotes collectible toys, so I dont discard to drop Disk Wars depending how bad it gets :/ Ex: droplist candidate - PS 4/10