Tiananmen Square

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Do you know what are refered to as the events of the Tiananmen Square

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  • Only saw the photo of the guy with the tank, don't know what it is about

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  • Heard of it, but not sure about the finer details

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-kenja sama
I never actually heard of it!! But i would really want to know about it~
The picture does look interesting to me! I want to know the story behind it~
never heard of it...and never saw the picture...sorry...
QUOTE (Bold @ Feb 6 2006, 09:30 PM) Here is an event I taugth everyone knew about. Last week, I was shocked to learn some people who never heard of it. So I am now wondering if I simply stumble on one exception, or if my assumption that it is wide spread knowledge is wrong.

Take a look at the photo, it is really famous and you might know about it

And here is more information about it
And the reason for you bringing up this is?

Anyway, doesn't seem like much of a massacre by reading the wikipedia article.
If ya want massacre go check out the Nanking massacre, that's the real deal!! XD
Nanking Massacre
I don't think many peole know about that incident becasue it happened a while back and when you ask that question, you should consider the age of most people in this forum, who were born after the incident.
QUOTE (Daedroth @ Feb 6 2006, 03:02 PM)And the reason for you bringing up this is? Curiousity about the level of general knowledge in the FTV population !

QUOTE (Daedroth @ Feb 6 2006, 03:02 PM)Anyway, doesn't seem like much of a massacre by reading the wikipedia article.
If ya want massacre go check out the Nanking massacre, that's the real deal!! XD
Nanking Massacre Now that is what I call disgusting!! And human nature once again disapoints me and sinks to a lower level!!

But that was during a war, the events in the Tiananmen square where a response to a peacefull protestation. Many thousand of people are still listed as "missing" even today. Their family having no idea what happend.

Also consider it was the first public demonstration in front of the erst of the world of the repressive actions of the chineese goverment. That is one of the reason it is famous. Many journalist see that photo as a representation of the power of the press over a goverment. The tanks did not move until the journalist were cleared out. Even if it was "just" a single guy they would have crushed.

It was a turning point where the rest of the world suddenly "discovered" there was a place called China, that was not so distant and that everything was not magical over there.

QUOTE (neutrality) I don't think many peole know about that incident becasue it happened a while back and when you ask that question, you should consider the age of most people in this forum, who were born after the incident. 1989 is not exactly something I would say is anciant!! Most people know there was a Franch revolution where they chopped the head of the king. Most people know that america was discovered by European sailors. Most people know the story of king Arthur (at least part of the legend). And all those are a LOT older!

And that is my point, no one here was aware of the news when this happend. So it is, by definition, general knowledge. Something you learned else where and remembered.
isnt this the student rebellion in china? , with the student trying to stop those tanks , lol
@Bold: i know that things...but only because i heard about it in school....that massacre thing...i never heard about it...no one told me about it...so...how should i know???

i was born 1990
QUOTE (Bold @ Feb 6 2006, 10:20 PM) Now that is what I call disgusting!! And human nature once again disapoints me and sinks to a lower level!!

That's what i'm telling all ya people. humans are trash no matter how you look at it.

QUOTE It was a turning point where the rest of the world suddenly "discovered" there was a place called China, that was not so distant and that everything was not magical over there.
Uhhm... i think most people knew about China even before that incident

Anyway, those students are stupid. The government is there in order to rule, the rest is there to be ruled. Only trash disobey their masters
QUOTE (Daedroth @ Feb 6 2006, 03:27 PM)Uhhm... i think most people knew about China even before that incident
If you look closely, you will see quotation marks like this -> "discover"

I meant people discovered it was not just a far away place where people lived in happy little shacks eating rice all day and having fun. There is a difference between knowing a place exist and truly behing aware of its existance.
QUOTE (Daedroth @ Feb 6 2006, 02:27 PM) That's what i'm telling all ya people. humans are trash no matter how you look at it.

Strangely enough I agree with Daedroth. If any of you seen the MAtrix, I agree with Agent Smith. We are a virus that exist only to destroy this planet.
I have heard of it. But was never really interested in all the details.
QUOTE (Bold @ Feb 6 2006, 10:33 PM) If you look closely, you will see quotation marks like this -> "discover"

I meant people discovered it was not just a far away place where people lived in happy little shacks eating rice all day and having fun. There is a difference between knowing a place exist and truly behing aware of its existance.
Actually, in my opinion China is a far better country than Norway and US and all those democracy countries. I prefer communists, it's so much easier to just be told what to do and obey. Democracy ruins a country by pushing more and more responsebility on regular humans.
But have you ever lived in China and experianced whats it like? You can't make a claim like that unless you have experianed whats it like to liv under a communst government.
QUOTE (Daedroth @ Feb 6 2006, 03:38 PM) I prefer communists, it's so much easier to just be told what to do and obey. Democracy ruins a country by pushing more and more responsebility on regular humans. Well, just so you know, you are talking about one for of comunist, totalitary comunist. That is not what comunist was about. Its very different from Marxs original comunist. totalitary comunist is more like comunist gone bad.

And you illustrated my point for me. No one can rule supremely simply because no human is wise enough. So it's better to distribute the responsabilities. That way, we end up with many people who make many small mistake instead of one person who makes few huge mistake. Small mistake are always easier to corect than huge ones!
QUOTE (neutrality @ Feb 6 2006, 10:41 PM) But have you ever lived in China and experianced whats it like? You can't make a claim like that unless you have experianed whats it like to liv under a communst government.
But how can it be bad? You don't have to think about anything, just do what you're told to do, get old and die. Makes things so much easier

QUOTE So it's better to distribute the responsabilities. That way, we end up with many people who make many small mistake instead of one person who makes few huge mistake. Small mistake are always easier to corect than huge ones!

But that's the problem!! I hate responsebility!! I don't want to make living more difficult than it allready is
As Bold said, there is more then one form of Communism and yes if a communist government were to work correctly its not a bad thing. But the problem is people are corrupted easily.
Example- Stalin in USSR.- He came to power because people thought he cpold make their lives better, but what happened was he killed was whole bunch of people just so he can stay in power.

One place that communism did work was in Cuba(feell free to disagree with me), Castro actually cared about the people and tried to help them but faced problems because US hated communism. US was afraid of the domino effect.
QUOTE (neutrality @ Feb 6 2006, 09:54 PM) As Bold said, there is more then one form of Communism and yes if a communist government were to work correctly its not a bad thing. But the problem is people are corrupted easily.
Example- Stalin in USSR.- He came to power because people thought he cpold make their lives better, but what happened was he killed was whole bunch of people just so he can stay in power.

One place that communism did work was in Cuba(feell free to disagree with me), Castro actually cared about the people and tried to help them but faced problems because US hated communism. US was afraid of the domino effect.
Ahem Hitler *cough*
speaking of Hitler
QUOTE (neutrality @ Feb 6 2006, 03:54 PM)One place that communism did work was in Cuba(feell free to disagree with me), Castro actually cared about the people and tried to help them but faced problems because US hated communism. US was afraid of the domino effect. The Cuban example worked "rather" well mainly because of the US attitude. It meant that Cuba was to remain a poor place. There are a lot less greedy people when there is nothing to be greedy about!

But I do agree. The comunist ideal is interesting. And I mean ideal. Everyone is equal, no one needs anything, you are never in need, never suffer and everyone is friendly 9yes, I over simplyfy, but I don't want to write a whole book here
) BUT, there are functional problems with that model. For example, what do you do with someone who is lazy and does not do anything? I still think democraty in a capitalistic system has more chances of working AND of corecting errors made along the way!

We could discuss about the various form of goverment and their advantage, dis-advantage for a long time. If some people are interested, open up a new thread about it. You will see me there

QUOTE (WCceend) Ahem Hitler *cough*
speaking of Hitler I don't want to disapoint you, but Hitler is FAR from a comunist. He actually despised them! So that is one less general knowledge point for you

But he was a totalarian leader in the same sence than Staline, Kim Jong Yung, Musolini, Sadam Husein and many, many many others in history. And always remember that most of those people started to do what they did for good intentions -> to help their people prosper. There is simply something along the way that went terribly wrong.

History is never black and white
That is why humans are ALWAYS required to use their heads!
No one can tell you what to think,
Because they are not certain about what they think
Hitler wasn't a communist, and Nazi's weren't fascist. And I have heard of T.S but only because we talked about it last semester in my world history course.

I have to agree with the age thing, especially with North Americans I'd say. I identify 1989 more with the fall of the Berlin Wall than with anything else; since it's not a Western event it's not talked about as much outside an academic setting.

Though of course, as we become more global this is changing. Current events outside of the West are certainly discussed daily.
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