QUOTE (neutrality @ Feb 6 2006, 03:54 PM)One place that communism did work was in Cuba(feell free to disagree with me), Castro actually cared about the people and tried to help them but faced problems because US hated communism. US was afraid of the domino effect. The Cuban example worked "rather" well mainly because of the US attitude. It meant that Cuba was to remain a poor place. There are a lot less greedy people when there is nothing to be greedy about!
But I do agree. The comunist ideal is interesting. And I mean ideal. Everyone is equal, no one needs anything, you are never in need, never suffer and everyone is friendly 9yes, I over simplyfy, but I don't want to write a whole book here
) BUT, there are functional problems with that model. For example, what do you do with someone who is lazy and does not do anything? I still think democraty in a capitalistic system has more chances of working AND
of corecting errors made along the way!
We could discuss about the various form of goverment and their advantage, dis-advantage for a long time. If some people are interested, open up a new thread about it. You will see me there
QUOTE (WCceend) Ahem Hitler *cough*
speaking of Hitler I don't want to disapoint you, but Hitler is FAR from a comunist. He actually despised them! So that is one less general knowledge point for you
But he was a totalarian leader in the same sence than Staline, Kim Jong Yung, Musolini, Sadam Husein and many, many many others in history. And always remember that most of those people started to do what they did for good intentions -> to help their people prosper. There is simply something along the way that went terribly wrong.
History is never black and white
That is why humans are ALWAYS required to use their heads!
No one can tell you what to think,
Because they are not certain about what they think