This is a new debating thread on an issue that is touching us (the new generation) like it never touched those that came before us.
What do you think about the privacy of information on the internet? Where does privacy stops, and what kind of information is "trivial" information?
Let's start with the free mail system by google, GMail. Sometimes ago, they recrote their user licence and admitted that they are recording and keeping all messages going througth gmail for an indefinate amount of time. They also confirmed that they would comply with any legal demand to hand over such information (meaning, information request under the patriot act, anti drug laws and anti-organided crime laws).
Google also admitted that all their system could be used to record, collect and keep information about their users. In other words, if you type something in google talk, it might be recorded by google and they might sell the information. The pictures of your girlfriend that you sent using you gmail account to your friend could be viewed by any number of google employees, anyone working in an official position in the US govermement or someone working for a company google decided to sell the info to.
Here are more info about it:
Personnaly, it makes me very cautious about usign google's services and lights on some warning lights in my head. The question is, who agrees with such practices and why or why not?
And before someone asks, no this is not a paranoia thread. It is to start a serious deiscussion about information usage, what is acceptable and what is not. And most importantly what impact does such practices have and will have on our lives.
What do you think about the privacy of information on the internet? Where does privacy stops, and what kind of information is "trivial" information?
Let's start with the free mail system by google, GMail. Sometimes ago, they recrote their user licence and admitted that they are recording and keeping all messages going througth gmail for an indefinate amount of time. They also confirmed that they would comply with any legal demand to hand over such information (meaning, information request under the patriot act, anti drug laws and anti-organided crime laws).
Google also admitted that all their system could be used to record, collect and keep information about their users. In other words, if you type something in google talk, it might be recorded by google and they might sell the information. The pictures of your girlfriend that you sent using you gmail account to your friend could be viewed by any number of google employees, anyone working in an official position in the US govermement or someone working for a company google decided to sell the info to.
Here are more info about it:
Personnaly, it makes me very cautious about usign google's services and lights on some warning lights in my head. The question is, who agrees with such practices and why or why not?
And before someone asks, no this is not a paranoia thread. It is to start a serious deiscussion about information usage, what is acceptable and what is not. And most importantly what impact does such practices have and will have on our lives.