Episode Summary Ousama Ranking Episode 14

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Episode 14

Despite losing his foot and sustaining some terrible injuries Dorshe continues to fight so Hiling can escape.


His wounds look fatal and his fate grim but just as we feel that death is inevitable one of Bebin’s snakes Mitsumata appears from the ground and takes out the remaining beasts that had attacked Dorshe! This timely rescue came because Hiling had healed this very snake when it was about to die.

Dorshe and Ann are whisked away to safety and it looks like everyone will come out of this fight with their lives… But then Gigan makes a sudden appearance and manages to overpower Mitsumata who gets beaten badly. Just as he is about to land the killer blow however, he inexplicitly collapses! Where did that attack come from? It came from Bojji himself! There is no time to celebrate though as Mitsumata looks to be in real trouble. Bojji pleads to Hiling for her to heal him but with none of her healing potions remaining his fate looks to be sealed… Kage has a trick up his sleeve and when he presents his hidden stash of potions!

Hiling quickly downs the bottles and gets to work saving Mitsumata but just as she getting focussed on the task at hand Gigan regains consciousness! Dorshe, still too weak to fight can only stand and watch but then Bojji takes control of the situation! Instead of running he stands firm and it would seem from his training with Despa Bojji has learned to defeat enemies by striking their weak points at the atomic level!


Bojji attacks at just the right spot and manages to shatter Gigan's great stone mace into tiny pieces! Gigan (and Hiling) are momentarily stunned by this development and Gigan attempts to foot stomp Bojji but it is to no avail as he simply attacks once more knocking the great giant once more! This time, to prevent further complications, Kage ties Gigan up to prevent further mischief…

With that threat settled Bojji can finally embrace Hiling who he has dearly missed. There are some heart touching moments here before we see Hiling finally recognises Kage as a friend. She demands that Kage swear loyalty to Bojji but the oath doesn’t go down well and he hurls abuse right back at her. Mitsumata intervenes before a fight can start though by explaining that Kage has saved Bojji numerous times already while Kage has become less cynical and learned to soften his heart with his time spent travelling with Bojji.

Hiling goes scarlet red with this misunderstanding and apologies to Kage but then their attention quickly returns to Bojji who seems to still be grief stricken. Bojji looks at the beast defeated and wishes for them to be helped and when Hiling does decide to heal them not only are they cured but the previous brainwashing they had has gone and it looks like they have become allies to Hiling and Bojji.

Gigan also awakens once again (his head must be really rocking after being knocked out so many times) and he quickly breaks free from his bindings! However instead of attacking once more he bows to Bojji recognising his strength and might! Has Bojji got another unlikely ally in Gigan?! Curious to know how the heck Bojji can understand Gigan, Hiling asks Kage how he does it. When he explains that Bojji can lip read she tells Bojji he should be more confident and attempt to portray a more majestic aura especially if he wants to become king.


Bojji takes her words to heart and knights the great warrior but when he tells Gigan to be his friend Hiling scolds him once more saying it is not befitting a future king to make friends and it is more appropriate for him to treat people as subjects so there is clear line of responsibility each person must have.

Things are not going so smoothly in town as Prince Ouken is running riot killing most of Desha’s troops! One of the fighters manages to cut his arm off but all this seems in vain as Ouken quickly regenerates and is about to strike back when some divine intervention stops him cold in his tracks!


This sudden bolt from beyond actually came from Prince Despa who has entered the scene just at the nick of time! He ties up Ouken with Despa tying him up with some magical knot. Despa laments that he wished he had come sooner. The two are in awe over Ouken’s power of immortality but then Depsa makes the comment that this former comrade is no longer the man they knew before for his very lack of mortality has corrupted his mind and with his soul now gone he is a mere husk that lacks any moral compass. The two also reveal that there is a good reason why King Desha has come to attack Miranjo but for what reason that maybe remains unclear…

Thoughts: This looks to be the episode that concludes the skirmish that has dominated the last two or three episodes and it would seem that Bojji has gained a number of surprise allies in Gigan and the beasts. It was also good to see that he is beginning to show signs of more self-confidence and strength of character. Speaking of strong characters, Hiling was again one of the stars of the show maintaining a stand even with things looking bad she always resolved to stay with her allies rather than run to safety.

I do feel Ouken could be a real thorn with his powers of immortality but the big question remains about the motives of the Kings. What are Bosse and Desha up to and what are their ties to Miranjo? Out of the three who will prevail?


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