Taylor Swift as Nazi? Hard to say whether she's joined the "Chosen People of Satan" club or is a 'monarch butterfly'.... i.e. programmed like Britney Spears etc. If you watch some of her vids lately, like so many in the industry, the message of Satanism/Baphomet(thehorned one) is rather obvious... and so many of those award shows.... if interested, check this site, he tracks all of it in the industry, though some do the 'one eyed pose' just to get jobs it seems:
Watching this video.... so far the directors' message on the 'Jews' is accurate... everyone in the idustry knows they own it... Hollywood especially, same in the banking industry... and the use of the word Semite is a propaganda tool by the neo-Zionists/Satanists.... as the term, if you look it up, refers to those of Palestine... no matter the religion... BUT, if you go back further, it's a regional term used for the Aryans when they passed through the area as the ice melted from the last ice age.... but most people know anything about WTF is really going on here.... the Aryan Satanists way outnumber the 'Jewish' variety... but each group plays their part in their way... competition in that club can get severe.
Listening to the vid as I write this... funny how anyone that doesn't follow the official BS line is considered a Nazi.... which is socialist... they don't mention that it was the National Socialist Party of Germany and Hitler worked for the same club, was supported by the banksters, etc... Jewish, Aryan, doesn't matter... same with the Bolsheiks in Russia... pushed by the same groups... Germany, Britain and the USA... we sent Trosky over there by way of London.... Germany sent Lenin etc... and 75% of the entire group was American revolutionary Jews.... so the entire game we call life here in rigged...
Which is why some, such as David R Hawkins, once called this one level of Purgatory... but you have to go 'down the rabbit hole' to really understand that.... like the movie Matrix etc... which is just a modern use of the ancient Maze symbol.
As for pedophiles, psychopaths etc... all tools to manipulate the herd... the masses/goyim in Judaic... and if you read any of their 'holy' texts, you quickly understand why it isn't really taught to young jews..... rather sadistic... and raping young boys is normal in that group.... same crap everywhere.. the psychopaths are attracted to the empires.... more prey, more to attract them etc... .like moths to a flame.
This video is the normal complaint system at work.... of course, A-holes and the like can be good craftsmen of the trade... as the Vigilant Citizen site shows.... you still have to have talent to be 'welcomed' into that Chosen People of Satan group.... remember that Dutch banker? just put 'Dutch banker' in the Youtube search engine and watch his expose.... but you will notice he doesn't name names.... he doesn't want to die... but the story of how they seduce people into the club is obvious.
Then the vid goes on to other types... perverts, rapists etc.... but these types, 'chosen' or not, protect their own.... they are protecting their club and its control of the system.... which as 'Purgatory' is a school in self conscious awareness... they setup the 'game'... an obstacle course... .no pain, no gain... it's how we 'wake up' and eventually make The Choice.... to use Plato's Cave analogy... either you stay in the cave or leave to face the light of day.... this is the ancient symbols of Maze etc expressed..... the Manator, the Beast, 666 etc.
This video presenter hasn't 'gone down the rabbit hole', so like most, he uses the basic symbols pushed on the public.... the thing is, 'they' are coming out of the closet... 'they' as in the Satanists... as that VC site shows with all those reward shows on tv... in your face for your kids to watch.... most of whom don't recognize the symbols... though the last vid by Celine Dion for her kiddie clothes that have satanic symbols on them is really pushing the 'in-your-face' aspect as Purgatory comes to a close.... said to start within a decade.. or 9 years actuallly.... dark star crosses the ecliptic, followed later by the comet cluster, wave etc.... wipeout.... which happens cyclically as well as everything else.
This vid presenter doesn't go into much detail on the director of this anime series.... the Nazi label is used so much, it's become meaningless as an attack and more as a self revealing of the person using it.... as they are really talking about themselves... looking into a mirror... etc. Typical.... once you understand the game, it all gets bloody stupid... the same war propaganda each time... today it's blame it all on the Russians, even if all the real evidence points to themselves...
IT's a farce.... our system or OWO is being outed by the puppets themselves... 'they know not what they do' applies.... 'out with the OWO, in with the NWO'.... time is running out before school closes. The video closes by essentially muddying the waters and going nowhere.