QUOTE (warita200 @ Mar 25 2011, 01:26 AM) Anyways, I started thinking about the plot and there is one thing I dont understand. Why is Kyuubey so set on turning madoka into witch??? She would become the strongest witch ever, true, but how does he plan to harvest the energy, if there isnt anybody to kill her? And since there isnt anybody to stop her, this would mean the end of earth, because she would become the ultimate destruction. Not that Kyubey cares, as he already demonstrated. He is quite the manipulator, isnt he? He claimes he has no emotions and therefore cannot understand them, but thats not true. If he didnt understand the emotions that motivate humans, he couldnt use them against humans, which he obviously does. He retains vital information from the girls, he manipulates them into thinking that they are doing something good, etc etc And he is a liar. He said to Madoka, that she needs to sacrifice herself in order to preserve the universe for the time when earth will be ready to join the others. But hmmmm, if she turns into a witch, there wont be any earth...
I find the part interesting where he defends himself against the accusations by saying, that he isnt doing anything bad, they all agreed to it. But have they really? If he doesnt tell them the whole truth, to what have they agreed to precisely??? Maaa maaa kyubey san, you are a bad boy!!! Hopefully Madoka and co. will kick your sorry ass.
Too bad this anime is on ice for the time being, I am so curious how it will end!!!!
The whole point is for Madoka to fight during Walpurgis night, which would expend all her magical energy or at least push it to the limit, which we saw in episode 10 via Homura's flashbacks. When Madoka turns into a witch after the end of Walpurgis night, the energy is released and that's when Kyubey would harvest it.
And yes, loop episodes/world resets are good when done right. In the case of say 11eyes, that was a bad case whereas in the case of Tatami Galaxy, that was good. It all depends on context and how its integrated into the story. I currently fear a world reset for Madoka Magica as that may very well be Madoka's wish. Something along the line of "I wish Kyubey and Mahou Shoujos didn't exist and everything went back to the way it was." If so, I will be very disappointed. Characters that died should stay dead, otherwise it defeats the purpose of having watched the show in the first place. This includes Homura suddenly having the power to travel through time again (with Madoka) to a parallel world where such events didn't occur. I'll provide more of a support argument on why I dislike this if it does happen though.
Assuming this show doesn't implode in the final 2 episodes, we may very well have the best mahou shoujo show since Nanoha A's in 2005 if not Card Captor Sakura in 1998-2000