Episode 10
Jahy’s minion is running to meet her master!
But then… Is that TRUCK-KUN coming?!
I can’t watch anymore!
Luckily Kokoro is saved at the last moment by an unlikely source!
Don’t look at her in awe! The magical girl is evil!
The girls finally have their meeting. The lack of crystals troubles Jahy-sama but when Kokoro reports the sudden appearance of a magical girl this really sets Jahy off!
Jahy fears the worst! Not only will this magical girl steal her crystals but she will steal Kokoro too! Has this girl got any morals?
Naturally Jahy takes control of the situation and reassures her friend that she is the most powerful being in the land. Jahy INSISTS she will not be defeated!
Jahy wants to prove she is more than talk and says she has a true powerful form! But before Jahy transforms, she wants her minion to give a shout out to her greatness!
Satisfied with her words of praise, Jahy transforms!
As usual, Jahy gobbles up all the compliments making sure it goes all to her head!
Kokoro asks if Jahy can lift a massive rock. Jahy makes light work of it! She is only pretending it is heavy!
Kokoro is bouncing with joy!
In her moment of excitement, she asks if Jahy is capable of magic! Jahy duly complies with her requests!
Phew that really took the wind out of her sails and Jahy transform into her loli from after all that effort!
Kokoro is simply AMAZED at Jahy greatness! Naturally off course!
But look at the time? Jahy’s got to bounce and she calls the meeting to an end… But before she gets home it is that nutter again!
Unfortunately for Jahy she has used too much of her power and has to bail from work!
The scale of her challenge is made clear the next night. Jahy needs more power to defeat the evil magical girl… But before she can ponder such things there are bigger tasks at hand like answering the phone!
The boss compliments her growing skills at work but Jahy will not listen! She can only lament about the indignity of bowing to mere humans!
Just as she is about to go off on a rant a customer places an order!
The girl is seething inside!
It is all too much for Jahy and she runs out to the alley fearing she will lose her identity!
Her boss reminds Jahy that the reason she smiles so much is because she is having fun at work. She could never smile the way she does without liking work! This puts Jahy at ease!
But her pride cannot make her reveal what she really thinks!
The evil magical girl finally shows herself!
But this time Jahy is prepared to go on the offensive!
She watches as misfortunate befalls the girl repeatedly!!!
Revelling at the fact that the mana crystals bring only bad luck to humans Jahy is ready to make her move. She begins stalking!
That bad luck keeps sticking to her like a bad smell!
Jahy doesn’t seem satisfied with the results she is seeing. And besides what is that building she has reached?!
She bears witness to another bout of misfortune!
Is Jahy's resolve beginning to waver?
She composes herself and remembers her mission. To reclaim the mana crystal! Jahy scopes out the nurse’s office and goes on the attack!
But is shocked the girl remains awake after all her ordeals!
Regaining her composure Jahy asks to reclaim her crystal but is then interrupted by the magical girl who thinks Jahy is thanking her! She even goes on a rant about taking the crystals to save others from the misfortune she suffers…
Jahy is floored with this revelation! She thought the magical girl was just a masochistic pervert!
Sensing danger she transforms and then splits!
It is not long before Jahy has to escape but she is stopped by a bunch of students who can’t resist her loli charms!
Somehow Jahy manages to evade the mob and escapes the schoolyard. She ponders why the magical girl is so adamant to shoulder all the bad luck. Don’t feel sorry for her Jahy! Thankfully it is but a weak moment and Jahy knows she needs to get those crystals before they are destroyed!
End of episode special
Elsewhere a certain evil magical girl saves a baby from sure death!
In the saving she spots a mana crystal in the baby's grasp!
Taking the crystal, she immediately sees some impending danger and is attacked head on!
The day does not get much better as she struck with misfortune after misfortune! But instead of crying in anguish she almost revels at all the pain! Are you she ain't some masochistic pervert Jahy-sama?!
Jahy’s minion is running to meet her master!
But then… Is that TRUCK-KUN coming?!
I can’t watch anymore!
Luckily Kokoro is saved at the last moment by an unlikely source!
Don’t look at her in awe! The magical girl is evil!
The girls finally have their meeting. The lack of crystals troubles Jahy-sama but when Kokoro reports the sudden appearance of a magical girl this really sets Jahy off!
Jahy fears the worst! Not only will this magical girl steal her crystals but she will steal Kokoro too! Has this girl got any morals?
Naturally Jahy takes control of the situation and reassures her friend that she is the most powerful being in the land. Jahy INSISTS she will not be defeated!
Jahy wants to prove she is more than talk and says she has a true powerful form! But before Jahy transforms, she wants her minion to give a shout out to her greatness!
Satisfied with her words of praise, Jahy transforms!
As usual, Jahy gobbles up all the compliments making sure it goes all to her head!
Kokoro asks if Jahy can lift a massive rock. Jahy makes light work of it! She is only pretending it is heavy!
Kokoro is bouncing with joy!
In her moment of excitement, she asks if Jahy is capable of magic! Jahy duly complies with her requests!
Phew that really took the wind out of her sails and Jahy transform into her loli from after all that effort!
Kokoro is simply AMAZED at Jahy greatness! Naturally off course!
But look at the time? Jahy’s got to bounce and she calls the meeting to an end… But before she gets home it is that nutter again!
Unfortunately for Jahy she has used too much of her power and has to bail from work!
The scale of her challenge is made clear the next night. Jahy needs more power to defeat the evil magical girl… But before she can ponder such things there are bigger tasks at hand like answering the phone!
The boss compliments her growing skills at work but Jahy will not listen! She can only lament about the indignity of bowing to mere humans!
Just as she is about to go off on a rant a customer places an order!
The girl is seething inside!
It is all too much for Jahy and she runs out to the alley fearing she will lose her identity!
Her boss reminds Jahy that the reason she smiles so much is because she is having fun at work. She could never smile the way she does without liking work! This puts Jahy at ease!
But her pride cannot make her reveal what she really thinks!
The evil magical girl finally shows herself!
But this time Jahy is prepared to go on the offensive!
She watches as misfortunate befalls the girl repeatedly!!!
Revelling at the fact that the mana crystals bring only bad luck to humans Jahy is ready to make her move. She begins stalking!
That bad luck keeps sticking to her like a bad smell!
Jahy doesn’t seem satisfied with the results she is seeing. And besides what is that building she has reached?!
She bears witness to another bout of misfortune!
Is Jahy's resolve beginning to waver?
She composes herself and remembers her mission. To reclaim the mana crystal! Jahy scopes out the nurse’s office and goes on the attack!
But is shocked the girl remains awake after all her ordeals!
Regaining her composure Jahy asks to reclaim her crystal but is then interrupted by the magical girl who thinks Jahy is thanking her! She even goes on a rant about taking the crystals to save others from the misfortune she suffers…
Jahy is floored with this revelation! She thought the magical girl was just a masochistic pervert!
Sensing danger she transforms and then splits!
It is not long before Jahy has to escape but she is stopped by a bunch of students who can’t resist her loli charms!
Somehow Jahy manages to evade the mob and escapes the schoolyard. She ponders why the magical girl is so adamant to shoulder all the bad luck. Don’t feel sorry for her Jahy! Thankfully it is but a weak moment and Jahy knows she needs to get those crystals before they are destroyed!
End of episode special
Elsewhere a certain evil magical girl saves a baby from sure death!
In the saving she spots a mana crystal in the baby's grasp!
Taking the crystal, she immediately sees some impending danger and is attacked head on!
The day does not get much better as she struck with misfortune after misfortune! But instead of crying in anguish she almost revels at all the pain! Are you she ain't some masochistic pervert Jahy-sama?!