Fansub.TV J-zine, Issue 6

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Cover v4.png
6th Issue - Spring 2010
It took a while, but it's finally here! Please support us by spreading the word! ^^

The J-zine team is proud to announce the release of our 6th issue!
This time we bring you a ef review, character bio of Yuuko Amamiya and of course your regular favorites including anime previews and Moe Corner. Noshi provides the cultural article this issue with a Abingdon Boys School concert review while labk1ta brings us yet another great cooking recipe to try!

Download Fansub.TV J-Zine Issue 6 (PDF)

As always the webzine team is very keen to hear feedback from the public. We strive to make this magazine even better! And currently we are still in search of new dedicated webzine members (no experience required!), so please drop a message if you're interested! Any other comments are more than welcome!

You can leave your feedback here in this thread, or as a comment on our blog.
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Just to add that I have setup a basic Flash Viewer, please note that this is much lower quality than the downloadable/PDF release above, and it is still a large file (9MB) which means it will take a while to load up on slow connections.

Click or drag the corners of the page to turn to the next page.

Try the basic Flash Viewer.
Congratulations for releasing issue 6, I'm looking forward to read it^^ For a moment when I saw the front cover I thought you are doing a special on the flame war between nnl and minori, too bad thats only about the anime, a nnl vs minori special would have been kind of funny
QUOTE (JunMisugi @ Aug 02 2010, 08:24 PM) Congratulations for releasing issue 6, I'm looking forward to read it^^ For a moment when I saw the front cover I thought you are doing a special on the flame war between nnl and minori, too bad thats only about the anime, a nnl vs minori special would have been kind of funny

Thanks Jun!

I didnt even know about a flame war with nnl/minori lol.

I'm a little surprised no one is giving any comments/feedback on the issue tho, with 1,562 downloads of the PDF and 57 of the Flash ver I really thought we'd get some, or any comments at all on it. I did get 1 email from a reader saying to keep it up, but other than that nothing
Well if you want feedback you can always add a page Saying questions, comments, or ideas either sending them to an email for this zine, or have them register here to post what they wanted to say.

Hey that just gave me an idea on how to bring these forums back to life now.
QUOTE (Kid-Wolf @ Aug 15 2010, 10:08 AM) Well if you want feedback you can always add a page Saying questions, comments, or ideas either sending them to an email for this zine, or have them register here to post what they wanted to say.

Hey that just gave me an idea on how to bring these forums back to life now.
^ Ah...if you take the time to read the front page blog, Maiku_Ando has already asked for such in the blog.


As always the webzine team is very keen to hear feedback from the public. We strive to make this magazine even better! 

Any other comments are more than welcome!

You can leave your feedback as a comment on our blog.

Anyway...all the best to the ongoing Webzine Team.
QUOTE I didnt even know about a flame war with nnl/minori lol. Well for me it was after the football world cup the most entertaining thing in this summer
But overall over the past few months there was the largest uproar in the english speaking visual novel communtiy which I had ever experienced until now, tons of c and d letters for translation projects ( sniff flyable heart wryyy T__T), the flame war between minori and nnl...strangely it seems that both are in negotiations now O_O ..oh well but after the bad news there were also good news like the good development between the sekai project and the creator of school days
Who knows maybe someone who is into eroges could do an article about those events, I think that would be pretty interesting

I'm a little surprised no one is giving any comments/feedback on the issue tho, with 1,562 downloads of the PDF and 57 of the Flash ver I really thought we'd get some, or any comments at all on it. I did get 1 email from a reader saying to keep it up, but other than that nothing sad.gifThat is really just meh
But well I guess if you look at the general activity at ftv and its forum at the moment it's unfortunatley not such a big surprise

Ah but anyways around 1562 downloads is already a great number, congrats on that^^

QUOTE Well if you want feedback you can always add a page Saying questions, comments, or ideas either sending them to an email for this zine, or have them register here to post what they wanted to say.Yep like yaya said theres already the front page which is advertising for the webzine, and even if the frontpage does not directly link to this thread it can hardly be overseen since its the thread on the absolute top in this forum.
I meant a page in the zine itself though.

Although if there is one already tehn I guess that's fine. Besides some people can probably get this from thier friends as well and might want to comment about it. So it was a not so well detailed idea I guess.
Just finished with this issue of FTV J-zine and I must say I'm blown away at the quality everyone put into it.

It is easily publishable material one could put on a magazine rack and you can tell the team placed a lot of effort and time into its quality.

I think I like the idea of doing 2 a year opposed to 4. Like you guys mentioned, you're not professionals (even though it looks professional in quality
) and given real life can get in the way, doing something of this quality while working or attending college/classes can easily become more of a job then something to do for the fun of it.

Great work and I hope Issue 7 goes much smoother for all involved!
QUOTE (JunMisugi @ Aug 16 2010, 05:16 PM) Well for me it was after the football world cup the most entertaining thing in this summer
But overall over the past few months there was the largest uproar in the english speaking visual novel communtiy which I had ever experienced until now, tons of c and d letters for translation projects ( sniff flyable heart wryyy T__T), the flame war between minori and nnl...strangely it seems that both are in negotiations now O_O ..oh well but after the bad news there were also good news like the good development between the sekai project and the creator of school days
Who knows maybe someone who is into eroges could do an article about those events, I think that would be pretty interesting

Don't remind me of the nnl/minori debate T_T I WANT MY EDEN* AND MY EF (full version + fandisc)! I probably didn't care enough for whatever Swells was though since they were going to take forever to finish that.
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