Fansub.TV J-zine Issue 5

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5th Issue - November 2009

The J-zine team is proud to announce the release of our 5th issue!
This time we bring you a K-ON! Special featuring a review, character bio of Mio and of course your regular favourites including the Anime previews, Moe Corner, and special articles on culture and a kinetic novel review. We have a review of a Japanese Hot Pot restaurant with Maids, and labk1ta brings us yet another great cooking recipe to try. As a first in this issue we also have a list of upcoming DVD releases just in time for Christmas!

Download Fansub.TV J-Zine Issue 5 (PDF)
As always the webzine team is very keen to hear feedback from the public. We strive to make this magazine even better! And currently we are in search of new dedicated webzine members, so please drop a message if you're interested! Any other comments are more than welcome!

If you have time please rate this magazine in the following areas out of 10 (10 being perfect 1 being awful):

* Level of interest
* Quality of writing
* Quality of pictures
* Layout


Right now, the webzine project is looking for the following:

Writers - (No particular experience required, just do your best to write an article on your favorite subject and we'll do the rest!)
Layout Artists - (An eye for design, experience with Adobe InDesign a bonus but not required)
Picture Desk - (Someone to find nice high quality pictures for animes etc)
Researchers - (Find out news and other info for articles)
Graphic Artists - (Make/edit pictures, covers and general art work)

We will help you every step of the way, you don't need any prior experience to take part.
You can join the team and become a steady member of the team, or just write the occasional article if you prefer so is a possibility as well.

Thanks for reading!

The J-Zine team


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Where do we send feedback?
Copied this in from the Forums are dead thread here
QUOTE (koiji @ Nov 30 2009, 04:22 AM)Speaking of J-Zine, I read issue 5 today.
It was pretty interesting, and it got me back into Inuyasha.. xD
And as I was reading.. I was thinking.. of what we could add to the webzine..
Now, you may think this is stupid.. and it may even be pointless to do this.. but.. I dont know what point Im trying to make here..
Anyways! I was thinking about an advice column being added to it.
What do you guys think? I dont know how much popularity it would have.. but we could try it... and I'd love to be the columnist for it.

I've been my schools advice columnist for quite some time.. and I even had my own column in a local newspaper.
I know advice columns seem kinda.. newspaper-ish.. but Ive seen plenty of magazines with em..
Just a thought..
We're always looking out for new people, so you can certainly help out. As for your idea, can you give us some more details? like what sort of advice? we have considered a letters page before, like a leters to the mag/editor type of thing and then the answers are in the collum. Anyone else have any thoughts on this idea?
Well the thing with an advice column, is that you get a bunch of letters from people asking for advice.. on anything and everything. The columnist picks a few (or however many the mag/newspaper editors want them to pick) and answers them.
As a columnist, they sometimes also write short articles for their column on whatever they feel like is important to them that would appeal to the consumer.

Like I said.. just a though.. maybe its stupid. But if you guys like it, lemme know and we can figure everything out and ill get started.
QUOTE (koiji @ Dec 02 2009, 02:22 PM) Well the thing with an advice column, is that you get a bunch of letters from people asking for advice.. on anything and everything. The columnist picks a few (or however many the mag/newspaper editors want them to pick) and answers them.
As a columnist, they sometimes also write short articles for their column on whatever  they feel like is important to them that would appeal to the consumer.

Why not be more original than what you are suggesting? Sure, open an advice column but have it geared towards fictional anime characters. You could have the FTV members write in asking for advice, all while posing as their favorite anime character. They can be anime characters who are has beens or wannabes, looking to revive their anime careers. They can be anime characters embroiled in scandal. Anime characters in trouble, with the law, marriage, affairs, child rearing, the list is endless.
It would be great fun and very original, and not the same old tired formulas that are repeated and re-hashed. You would need a great and lively imagination, to pull it off. You would need to be well versed in anime, have a good sense of humor, wit is an added plus, and not be bombastic in approach. Anyway, I suggested this to the powers-that-be, up to you, koiji-chan to follow it up.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

P.S. Might be a good way to add more fun to the forum as well, aside from the webzine magazine. You could always do a "best of five" or something along those lines.
Wow, to be honest.. I was a bit skeptical at first.. but after I read your post again, I figured that it might be a pretty good idea and it definitely would be a lot more fun than a regular column.

Im perfectly ok with it if Maiku (and the rest of the J-zine team) is ok with it as well.

Hehe, nice job ImTakes!

This actually gives me something to look forward to.
QUOTE (koiji @ Dec 06 2009, 06:12 PM)Wow, to be honest.. I was a bit skeptical at first.. but after I read your post again, I figured that it might be a pretty good idea and it definitely would be a lot more fun than a regular column.
Im perfectly ok with it if Maiku (and the rest of the J-zine team) is ok with it as well.

Hehe, nice job ImTakes!
This actually gives me something to look forward to.

It's definately something I would be interested in. I say we go with it.
QUOTE (koiji @ Dec 06 2009, 04:12 PM) Im perfectly ok with it if Maiku (and the rest of the J-zine team) is ok with it as well.

Hehe, nice job ImTakes!

This actually gives me something to look forward to.

Of course, it's a good idea, I do have quite a creative mind, after all.
Now, I will suggest you get started on your plans asap. Start thinking as to how you will approach it and set it all up. I do think since nomae-san sounds enthused, you may wish to collaborate with him, as to what the rules will be, number of inquires per magazine issue, what can be asked and what is unacceptable. Think about how many questions you are willing to field per week, since the last thing you want, is to get bogged down and overloaded. Think about a partner to help you out. Remember, keep it light and fun and original.
I wish you luck and look forward to how it will all work out.
To be honest I really wasn't too sure on this in its original form, but Yaya's suggestion has certainly added to it and I like it more now than I did originally.

I have been wondering about a more in-depth side to j-zine, and wanted to bring some more serious articles and or debate, basically an editorial and some opinion. And part of that was to add in a letters section so people could respond to the opinion. The idea of the advice collum I dont think really works, but with the anime character twist to it I tihnk it could be quite an amusing addition to each issue.

So with that in mind, i propose a merging of these 3(?) ideas - the advice collum, the anime characters, and the leters/editorial opinion. we have the editorial opinion, then a letters section - this can feature the replies to the opinion, other items for debate, and the anime character advice. The good thing about combining it, is that when no one writes in for a section it wont affect anything as we just do more of another.

If a letter sent in is about a certain area of the magazine, then we can get that person to answer it, but in general, koiji would you be willing to answer those letters as well? By answer i mean in the magazine.

Whats everyones take on this? Is this a good idea? Do you think anyone will actually write in? (we've not had a single letter in the year and 3 months we've been going btw).
I dont mind, Id be happy to answer just about anything.
But we probably do need to set up some rules on what can be asked..

The J-zine releases are monthly? Or what?
Depending on their release dates, I could figure out how many letters would be acceptable.

And, who knows.. maybe this addition will get people to start writing in..
now, you do of course realize in the beginning we' may have to submit generic questions and responses on put them in the issue, just to really give the readers a feel for whats going on.. and that may compel them to write in.
and ultimately.. if after a while theres little to no success.. we can stop it i guess.. :/
We don't need to worry too much about rules, simply because theres no way for people to actually break them, if we recieve something we cant print, then we either try to use part of it, if not then we dont use it. At that point there is the option to simply reply to the person directly saying why we cant respond, or we print something that is relevant without printing their letter. We can effectively be quite dynamic and simply decide as we get them. A suggested word count would be good however.

J-zine currently releases quarterly, however issue 5 was delayed and really should have been October's issue. The next issue is January, however the actual release date is not certain yet, but it will be as close to the original date as possible.

The first issue where we do this feature will need to have some pre-set questions as you said, however I dont see that as being a problem. As for the quantity of letters, that depends on the length and the replies to a certain extent, but I would like to keep it to a set page length just to keep the issues consistent.

I don't mind trying a new item in the magazine and if people really take no interest and we dont get any letters, then we can think of something else.

What you think Noshi-Samma?
My suggestions are not only geared towards the webzine issues, but the forum as well. So please, keep that it in mind when you begin to set up your guidelines/rules, as to how you will go about making it appeal to all FTV members. Like I posted previously, you can always do a "best of five" that can be a featured read in the webzine issues. I think, hopefully at least, you may have more success in the forums versus the magazine. Not sure though, until you actually give it a go. Trial and error as they say...
And one more thing, you can always advertise your advice column on the front page informing folks of such and what it is all about...use your connections!
Make yourself a banner that you are the official advice columnist to the "stars" and us common folk...have fun and use that brain of yours!
P.S. By stars, I mean anime "stars," of course.
LOL that was excellent.

And Yaya-samma, you have given me an idea as well!

We could make it part of the fun, or even a slight competition to guess which anime its from. Perhaps have one letter each issue that is "anonymous" and theres a competition to guess who wrote it. We could take an idea from You're under arrest and have a "chief for a day" as the prize. The winner then gets to write a leading letter or something as themselves and we include it in with the "star's" letters.
QUOTE (Maiku_Ando @ Dec 07 2009, 06:57 PM) LOL that was excellent.

And Yaya-samma, you have given me an idea as well!

We could make it part of the fun, or even a slight competition to guess which anime its from. Perhaps have one letter each issue that is "anonymous" and theres a competition to guess who wrote it. We could take an idea from You're under arrest and have a "chief for a day" as the prize. The winner then gets to write a leading letter or something as themselves and we include it in with the "star's" letters.
Thanks a bunch. I actually had lots of fun writing that one up...and I can say if you keep it light and witty and funny, well, you will enjoy success, as a result. Your idea sounds excellent as well. I do hope all of you will start to work on said project not just for the magazine, but the FTV forum as well. Good luck.

And yes, I am glad I was able to share that idea with you all. Thanks so much, for being open to it.
Lol uhm..
@yaya, with best of five you mean, limit it to 5 letters/dialogue pieces or something?
I'm not creative enough to think something up myself, if the advice/letter column is going to be anime/manga related.
I guess for rules we should have no offending content, names/nicknames. Japan/asia related.

I guess we could have a japan/asia related dilemma/discussion topic every issue, and have people send in letters and the best 5? will be featured in the next issue, and we can include a link or refer people to the blog/forum to see the rest of the letters and discuss

How does that sound xD
QUOTE (Noshi @ Dec 08 2009, 08:53 AM) Lol uhm..
@yaya, with best of five you mean, limit it to 5 letters/dialogue pieces or something?
I'm not creative enough to think something up myself, if the advice/letter column is going to be anime/manga related.
I guess for rules we should have no offending content, names/nicknames. Japan/asia related.

I guess we could have a japan/asia related dilemma/discussion topic every issue, and have people send in letters and the best 5? will be featured in the next issue, and we can include a link or refer people to the blog/forum to see the rest of the letters and discuss

How does that sound xD
Hi Noshi!
First off, I put forth my idea, but I am not the one who will be running this project; koiji-san will be. Depending on how she decides to run the advice column, let's say she decides to field 10 questions per week, that's 40 questions a month, and that applies only to the FTV forum. She can if she wants, at time of publication or whenever the next issue of the webzine is in the making, well, she can always add a "best of five" to her advice column there. And by that I mean, the best five pieces of advice that were most funny, for the month. It will be up to her as to how it will all go. I suggested nomae-san help her out since he's interested as well.
Lol, I know you're not the one running this, but I thought I'd ask you because it was your idea after all and I didn't want to disregard any opinions XD
Was just wondering if I got the idea right lol
Although I dunno if we got that many questions a week though. The interests on this forums are pretty diverted imo
QUOTE (Noshi @ Dec 08 2009, 01:52 PM) Although I dunno if we got that many questions a week though. The interests on this forums are pretty diverted imo
True, and as it was just an example, who even knows if 10 questions will be asked, per week? Anyway, you all will work it out if you decide to go with it.
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