3rd Issue - April 2009

The J-zine team is proud to announce the release of our third issue! This issue is our longest yet and contains many firsts for J-Zine! Check out the joint review of One-Piece as well as the visual novel reviews and light novel reviews.
Download Fansub.TV J-Zine Issue 3 (PDF).
Enjoyed it? Hated it? As always the webzine team is very keen to hear feedback from the public! We strive to make this magazine even better! Please leave a comment here.

The J-zine team is proud to announce the release of our third issue! This issue is our longest yet and contains many firsts for J-Zine! Check out the joint review of One-Piece as well as the visual novel reviews and light novel reviews.
Download Fansub.TV J-Zine Issue 3 (PDF).
Enjoyed it? Hated it? As always the webzine team is very keen to hear feedback from the public! We strive to make this magazine even better! Please leave a comment here.
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