Fansub TV Awards #5

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-Snuggle Bunny

- You must cast your vote before Jan 31st 00.00 GMT+1.
- You can edit your votes as much as you want (make sure to highlight the "edited by" in Post Options).
- You must make the votes you edited a different color. (green or blue)
- If you don't know a person for the award leave it blank.
- You can only cast votes in this thread, for discussion go to the discussion thread.
- Please leave the categories in the same order they are presented here.
- And most important of all have fun
- Use full board nicknames when voting or make dictonary

Extra Rules:

- No voting for yourself
- And no special treatments for people you know in real life.
- Same goes for people you are friends with on the boards, no special treatments.

Here is the list of awards you need to fill in (simply copy this list and fill it in):

Most Respected
Funniest Member
Most Friendly
Best Male Member
Best Female Member
Biggest Lolicon
Most Helpful
Biggest anime Otaku
Best Avatar and Signature
Best Staff Member
Best Newcomer
Best Graphic Artist
Best Critic
Most Knowledgeable
Most Trustworthy

After the awards the winners can use the userbars in they're signature until the next awards.

Edit by Kit: Discussion Thread Here!
Most Respected daft27
Funniest Member chreyzee
Most Friendly monsta666
Best Male Member Kid-Wolf
Best Female Member ImTakes
Biggest Lolicon Hiasubi
Most Helpful monsta666
Biggest anime Otaku jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature chuuko
Best Staff Member Noshi
Best Newcomer Maiku Ando
Best Graphic Artist shinigamii
Best Critic senpai-kun
Most Knowledgeable monsta666
Most Trustworthy ImTakes

Fuuu it's pretty difficult to decide on some...maybe I should throw a coin

Edit: Ok that's the final list.
Might as well get to work on my list then.

Most Respected: Kit-Tsukasa
Funniest Member: chreyzee
Most Friendly: Kit-Tsukasa
Best Male Member: JunMisugi
Best Female Member: ImTakes
Biggest Lolicon: monsta666
Most Helpful: chreyzee
Biggest anime Otaku: jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature: Chuuko
Best Staff Member: JunMisugi
Best Newcomer: Uz3r013
Best Graphic Artist: Doomsayer
Best Critic: Uz3r013
Most Knowledgeable: Uzer013
Most Trustworthy: JunMisugi

I'll finish this list up when I get some of the names up and running though. In any case I had to look up a few names before I did this. So far this might be my final list here.

Final list
Okay, here we go


Most Respected: Daft27
Funniest Member: chreyzee
Most Friendly: monsta666
Best Male Member: JunMisugi
Best Female Member: Imtakes
Biggest Lolicon: Hiasubi
Most Helpful: monsta666
Biggest anime Otaku: jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature: Doomsayer
Best Staff Member: JunMisugi
Best Newcomer: Maiku Ando
Best Graphic Artist: Kansatsusha-sama
Best Critic: Carlita
Most Knowledgeable: Uzer013
Most Trustworthy: Imtakes

Arghh >_< this is difficult to do
.....This is it for now...will have to finish the list later

Edit: o_0 .... It's done .... 0_o ...To bad you can't add more names to certain awards >_<

Edit 2: okay, i'm happy with the way the list is right now
Most Respected daft27
Funniest Member wwwwww (yes you are still awesome)
Most Friendly Kansa
Best Male Member monsta666
Best Female Member chiisai-hana
Biggest Lolicon doofus123
Most Helpful labk1ta
Biggest anime Otaku Marine-RX179
Best Avatar and Signature Noshi (DANCING DINOS FTW!)
Best Staff Member Nahrallah
Best Newcomer: Maiku Ando
Best Graphic Artist Uz3r013
Best Critic senpai-kun
Most Knowledgeable mamori
Most Trustworthy daft27

That's it for now...a lot of these I don't know who to put many new active members since the last award and a lot have become inactive...

EDIT1: changes to Biggest Anime Otaku and Best Critic
EDIT2: Best Female Member
EDIT3: Best Graphic Artist added
EDIT4: Best Male Member, Funniest Member, and Most Trustworthy
EDIT5: FINAL*not voting best ava and sig since I couldn't decide.* I lied.
EDIT5: Now it's FINAL
Most Respected:Hamasusuke
Funniest Member:iamdeath
Most Friendly:Kid-Wolf
Best Male Member:Kit-Tsukasa
Best Female Member:Carlita
Biggest Lolicon:Gustav1976
Most Helpful:Monsta666
Biggest anime Otaku: JCDRANZER
Best Avatar and Signature:Chuuko
Best Staff Member:Hiasubi
Best Newcomer:Emi-chan
Best Graphic Artist:Shinigamii
Best Critic:Kid-Wolf
Most Knowledgeable:JCDRANZER
Most Trustworthy:Kit-Tsukasa

This post has been edited by Uz3r013 on Jan 30 2009, 01:20 PM
Here are my votes or at least some of them

Most Respected: Daft27
Funniest Member:
Most Friendly: JunMisugi
Best Male Member:
Best Female Member: Imtakes
Biggest Lolicon: Hiasubi
Most Helpful:
Biggest anime Otaku: jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature:
Best Staff Member: JunMisugi
Best Newcomer: Maiku Ando
Best Graphic Artist: Shinigamii
Best Critic:
Most Knowledgeable: Monsta666
Most Trustworthy: Imtakes
Most Respected daft27
Funniest Member daft27
Most Friendly shinigamii
Best Male Member Hiasubi
Best Female Member poonk (haven't seen her around for a looong time.)
Biggest Lolicon doofus123
Most Helpful samthebear
Biggest anime Otaku jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature doomsayer (I guess I just have a thing for death, lol)
Best Staff Member JunMisugi
Best Newcomer Carlita (not really new to FTV... but still a kouhai, so I guess it counts.
Best Graphic Artist Kansatsusha-sama
Best Critic Kit-Tsukasa
Most Knowledgeable Dalriada
Most Trustworthy daft27

Dang... it's tough choosing between people...

Most Respected: Daft27
Funniest Member:
Most Friendly: Shinigamii
Best Male Member:
Best Female Member: Imtakes
Biggest Lolicon: doofus123
Most Helpful: Shinigamii
Biggest anime Otaku: jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature:
Best Staff Member: JanMisugi
Best Newcomer: Maiku Ando
Best Graphic Artist: Kit-Tsukasa
Best Critic:
Most Knowledgeable: Kit-Tsukasa
Most Trustworthy: Imtakes

That's what I have so far....
Hmm lets see.

Most Respected: Daft27
Funniest Member: Sempai-kun
Most Friendly: Shinigamii
Best Male Member:
Best Female Member: Labk1ta
Biggest Lolicon: Hiasubi
Most Helpful: Monsta-666
Biggest anime Otaku: JCDRANZER
Best Avatar and Signature: Dragon-of-Rune
Best Staff Member: Kit-Tsukasa
Best Newcomer: User013
Best Graphic Artist: Emi-chan
Best Critic: Carlita
Most Knowledgeable: Kit-Tsukasa
Most Trustworthy: Daft27

Will edit when I think of the others.
Most Respected - Daft27 (Almost guaranteed to win I think)
Funniest Member - Shinigamii
Most Friendly - Nahrallah
Best Male Member - hamasusuke
Best Female Member - Imtakes
Biggest Lolicon - Hiasubi
Most Helpful - Kit-Tsukasa
Biggest anime Otaku - Kit-Tsukasa
Best Avatar and Signature - Dragon-of-Rune
Best Staff Member - Kit-Tsukasa
Best Newcomer - Maiku Ando
Best Graphic Artist - Dragon-of-Rune
Best Critic - Carlita
Most Knowledgeable - Kit-Tsukasa
Most Trustworthy - Daft27

Probably revise it later if I find the time (aka if I remember).

Edit: Thanks Barbobot. I totally forgot about that story.
Most Respected - daft27
Funniest Member - senpai-kun
Most Friendly - ImTakes
Best Male Member - shinigami
Best Female Member - chiisai-hana
Biggest Lolicon - Hiasubi (the epicness of the story told in the what are you doing? thread pretty much determined this)
Most Helpful - monsta
Biggest anime Otaku - jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature - Chuuko
Best Staff Member - Kit-tsukasa
Best Newcomer - Gustav1976
Best Graphic Artist - shinigami
Best Critic - senpai-kun (been skimming a lot more posts recently but always check yours)
Most Knowledgeable - Kit-tsukasa
Most Trustworthy - ImTakes

Bah, I've been far less active in the recent months. I don't know who to vote for anymore.

Edit: First round of edits done.
Edit 2: Last round of edits done.

Most Respected - daft27
Funniest Member - chreyzee
Most Friendly - ImTakes
Best Male Member
Best Female Member
Biggest Lolicon - Hiasubi (read the post, definitely wins this)
Most Helpful - Kit-Tsukasa
Biggest anime Otaku - JCDRanzer
Best Avatar and Signature - Dragon-of-Rune
Best Staff Member - Kit-Tsukasa
Best Newcomer - Uzer013
Best Graphic Artist - Emi-chan
Best Critic - EggBeast (In the thoughtful section, always has the most well thought out responses)
Most Knowledgeable - Kit-Tsukasa
Most Trustworthy - ImTakes

Phew, that was tough!
Most Respected - daft27
Funniest Member - senpai-kun
Most Friendly - shiniigami
Best Male Member - Barbobot
Best Female Member - Carlita
Biggest Lolicon - doofus123
Most Helpful - monsta666
Biggest anime Otaku - Marine-RX179
Best Avatar and Signature - Kit-Tsukasa
Best Staff Member - Nahrallah
Best Newcomer - Emi-chan
Best Graphic Artist - Kansatsusha-sama
Best Critic - senpai-kun
Most Knowledgeable - Dalriada
Most Trustworthy - Hiasubi

hmm it was tough, so many ppl to choose from...
hmmm..."forgotten active members" sounds like a comedy anime to me

The story of a group of friends who fight to keep a website forum running whilst simultaneously having to deal with their day to day lives.
Something along the lines of LoveGet Chu?

let's have a think about my votes then...
Most Respected Daft
Funniest Member
Most Friendly Monsta
Best Male Member Oppai
Best Female Member ImTakes
Biggest Lolicon Monsta
Most Helpful Kit
Biggest anime Otaku
Best Avatar and Signature
Best Staff Member
Best Newcomer Emi-chan
Best Graphic Artist
Best Critic
Most Knowledgeable
Most Trustworthy Yaya
let's see. for now i'll stick with this

Most Respected: Kit-Tsukasa
Funniest Member: senpai-kun
Most Friendly: Kit-Tsukasa
Best Male Member: Barbobot
Best Female Member: ImTakes
Biggest Lolicon: Hiasubi
Most Helpful: Kit-Tsukasa
Biggest anime Otaku: jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature: Chuuko
Best Staff Member: JunMisugi
Best Newcomer: Gustav1976
Best Graphic Artist: Doomsayer
Best Critic: EggBeast
Most Knowledgeable: Uzer013
Most Trustworthy: Daft27
Well, I have given much thought over who deserves what, in my humble opinion...

Most Respected: Noshi
Funniest Member: chreyzee
Most Friendly: Chuuko
Best Male Member: Barbobot
Best Female Member: Carlita
Biggest Lolicon: doofus123
Most Helpful: monsta666
Biggest anime Otaku: Vicepuma
Best Avatar and Signature: oppai-ga-suki
Best Staff Member: JunMisugi
Best Newcomer: Kid-Wolf
Best Graphic Artist: Shinigamii
Best Critic: Carlita
Most Knowledgeable: langes01x
Most Trustworthy: senpai-kun
Most Respected: Noshi
Funniest Member: jcdranzer
Most Friendly: Hiasubi
Best Male Member: Barbobot
Best Female Member: julezia
Biggest Lolicon: doofus123
Most Helpful: labk1ta
Biggest anime Otaku: jcdranzer
Best Avatar and Signature: Imtakes
Best Staff Member: JunMisugi
Best Newcomer: monsta666
Best Graphic Artist: Shinigamii
Best Critic: AccipiterF1
Most Knowledgeable: Kit-Tsukasa
Most Trustworthy:

Wowza almost finished it the first time around this year muuuuuch faster than last year.
I guess its tiome for me to stop the waiting and spread my love to you all

Most Respected: Daft27
Funniest Member:Senpai-kun
Most Friendly: Julezia
Best Male Member:Monsta66
Best Female Member:Noshi
Biggest Lolicon: Kid Wolf
Most Helpful: labk1ta
Biggest anime Otaku: AnimeWiz07
Best Avatar and Signature: Doomysayer
Best Staff Member:Kit
Best Newcomer:Carlita
Best Graphic Artist:Shinigamii
Best Critic:Eggbeast
Most Knowledgeable:Dalriada
Most Trustworthy:Julezia

For the two im missing, im going to hunt down the rable an investigater their sigs and avys
As for the Anime Otaku looks like ill have to leave the manga section

EDIT: Biggest Anime Otaku
EDIT: Biggest Lolicon, Avatar and Sig, Newcomer

Most Respected daft
Funniest Member hiasubi
Most Friendly labk1ta
Best Male Member noob
Best Female Member Nahralla
Biggest Lolicon Doofus
Most Helpful barbobot
Biggest anime Otaku JCDRanzer
Best Avatar and Signatureshadow pony
Best Staff Member Noshi
Best Newcomer
Best Graphic Artist hamasusuke
Best Critic Senpai-kun
Most Knowledgeable Kit-Tsukasa
Most Trustworthy senpai-kun
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