Fall Season 2019 Line-Up and predictions

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Ok, finished S1 of One PUnch.... funny stuff..... nice collection of characters in the genre.... the MC reminds me of a superpowered Charlie Brown. Good writing regarding his character... ends S1 with him like Superman without Kryptonite... or so it seems so far... but nice comic takes from his character... the classic 'simple' 'master' type.... Nice MC setup... I do wonder if the greenhaired girl is potential girlfriend material? the love you/hate you type... can't remember the name of that trope either... but this MC seems more original, so unlike American fake superhero crap..... really nice... fresh or so it seems to me. I'll have to see if S2 is eng dubbed and available... I do prefer to watch the whole season at once.
gdpetti said:
Nice MC setup... I do wonder if the greenhaired girl is potential girlfriend material? the love you/hate you type... can't remember the name of that trope either... but this MC seems more original, so unlike American fake superhero crap..... really nice... fresh or so it seems to me. I'll have to see if S2 is eng dubbed and available...
do you mean her 'little' sister Fubuki? Check out the S2 OVAs, 2 subbed so far!

Hopefully better than season 3: 3. Shokugeki no Sōma Shin no Sara (finally) ^^
4. Sword Art 0nline Alicization War of Underworld (no Kirito as MC but Alice):d
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