Fairy Tail

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got word back from my guy.

it does say "truly... you people amaze me"

So that kills my 100% mist is a girl. now its all up in the air again...*sigh* Darn u binktopia!
awe man. oh well. either way mist gun is flippin awesome. I definitely want to see mist gun fight for. it was good it definitely has me beggin for another fight scene with him in it.
gazille help natsu to fight luxus....
what the hell does he want?

well it's true that there's chance he won't betray fairy
QUOTE (Anybody @ Feb 20 2009, 08:07 AM) He is Vegeta.
OMG UR RIGHT HE IS vegeta!!!! oopps reveres cap locks lol.

He even looks like vegeta!! but with more of a rock/punk look.
QUOTE He even looks like vegeta!! but with more of a rock/punk look.

vegeta with piercing in the head...

so gazille was a two face spy...
incoming enemy : luxus's father.


4 guild combine to became 1 group to attack dark guild
Their defeat was pretty quick.
Maybe Wendy is his daughter or something.
I really want to see, how they will defeat them.
QUOTE (Barbobot @ Jun 26 2009, 10:52 PM)So Fairy Tail is finally getting an anime adaptation.


I haven't read any of it, but I know that it's become a very popular series. I knew it was only a matter of time till an anime adaptation would be announced. Can't wait for it.

Yeah, I just read the article. It looks interesting..the drawing style reminds me of One Piece. I also read some comments on MAL and they said that people who like One Piece will like this one. I'm kinda excited to see the anime adaptation and hopefully they follow alot of it off the manga.

Well, I'm going to start reading a couple chapters.
QUOTE (Teammoney @ Jun 27 2009, 01:07 AM) I also read some comments on MAL and they said that people who like One Piece will like this one.
Well this manga has one thing OP does not have - interesting plot. ;]

Its like a better version of OP where main character has more in him than just being goku-clone and where plot actually can make sense.

Overall I have kind of mixed feelings about adaptation...

Manga is nowhere near complete so they will either turn this into another naruto or create an anime-original ending...

However of course its possible that mangaka has everything planned out this time, ending manga earlier than anime ends....
Omg this are fucking great news.
But I hope this will not end up like Rave Master with horrbible drawings, crap animations and stopping in the middle.

But if they do it good, it will be fantastic.

@anybody: Seems like you dont know anything about OP, so please dont talk about something you dont have a clue. OP has great Plots and great characters, everyone is unique both in personality and history.
And saying that FT has better characters doesnt make sense, because Natsu is almost the perfect clone, while Lucy is almost the perfect clone of Nami, so there isnt that much difference. And except Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Erza the other members and characters dont get that much development like the sidecharacters in OP, so you cant say that FT is better there.
QUOTE (Anybody @ Jun 27 2009, 01:12 AM) Well this manga has one thing OP does not have - interesting plot. ;]

Its like a better version of OP where main character has more in him than just being goku-clone and where plot actually can make sense.

Overall I have kind of mixed feelings about adaptation...

Manga is nowhere near complete so they will either turn this into another naruto or create an anime-original ending...

However of course its possible that mangaka has everything planned out this time, ending manga earlier than anime ends....
lol.... you went too far this time.

Dont read fairy tail, probably never will and wont be watching the anime. Alot of people say i should give it a try because it similar to one piece.

But the equation im hearing is One Piece+Bleach= Fairy tail

From the front cover i can see why. Natsu looks like Luffy and that alone puts me right off. I need some originality not some clones.
QUOTE Well this manga has one thing OP does not have - interesting plot. ;]

Its like a better version of OP where main character has more in him than just being goku-clone and where plot actually can make sense.

Just seen this and im sorry but you certainly have crossed the line.

OP has no plot? Seriously where have you been watching or reading one piece from, it has 400 episodes and just got to the climax of them all now. The plot is great, indepth and always has been. Where else do you get comedy with action, adventure and most of all, serious drama compilated all into one? OP is the only anime ive ever heard of that has that and has pulled of everything to perfection. So before you diss one piece i suggest you either watch or read it.

The characters in this manga/anime are too alike others from various animes, i have to agree with franzior on everything he said.
QUOTE (shinigamii @ Jun 27 2009, 07:05 AM)OP has no plot? Seriously where have you been watching or reading one piece from, it has 400 episodes and just got to the climax of them all now. The plot is great, indepth and always has been. Where else do you get comedy with action, adventure and most of all, serious drama compilated all into one? OP is the only anime ive ever heard of that has that and has pulled of everything to perfection. So before you diss one piece i suggest you either watch or read it.

Its one of those manga series I will never bother to finish or return to "reading" status. The "plot" goes on and on and on and with mangaka himself stating that he is just going for fun(and $$$), making stuff as he goes, I will NEVER read it again.

First 100 chapters was enough for me to begin on thoroughly hating that manga.

Luffy beating badguy and the badguy suddenly becoming good gets boring fast, not to mention the irritating light plotline and shallow comedy.

Till now we had them travelling through the map, randomly encountering characters and storylines we are supposed to care about. No overall plot being revealed.

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 05:24 AM)
But I hope this will not end up like Rave Master with horrbible drawings, crap animations and stopping in the middle.

Different studios. This time Mashima chose really competent one.

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 05:24 AM)
@anybody: Seems like you dont know anything about OP, so please dont talk about something you dont have a clue. OP has great Plots and great characters, everyone is unique both in personality and history.
And saying that FT has better characters doesnt make sense, because Natsu is almost the perfect clone, while Lucy is almost the perfect clone of Nami, so there isnt that much difference. And except Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Erza the other members and characters dont get that much development like the sidecharacters in OP, so you cant say that FT is better there.

Natsu might seem "similar" to Luffy at first but I don't really see it latter on. He is a character on his own.

And Lucy is nothing like Nami.

And yes FT has better characters and better plotline.

The humour is done in more tasteful style, Character motivations at make sense and I like what we have seen of overall plot..

QUOTE (franzoir @ Jun 27 2009, 05:47 AM)
Dont read fairy tail, probably never will and wont be watching the anime. Alot of people say i should give it a try because it similar to one piece.

Well apart from art being similar, I see no similarities to OP there. H.Mashima is not "cloning anyone, he is in league of his own. The only thing in common with FT is that both mangaka are obsessed with Akira Toriyama.

QUOTE (franzoir @ Jun 27 2009, 05:47 AM)
But the equation im hearing is One Piece+Bleach= Fairy tail

Erm no. fights usually are more fast-paced than in Bleach and plot moves a bit faster than in One Piece. It has overall different feel and the only things that I could compare it to are the older works of H.Mashima.

QUOTE (franzoir @ Jun 27 2009, 05:47 AM)
From the front cover i can see why. Natsu looks like Luffy and that alone puts me right off. I need some originality not some clones.

The only thing in common with OP character.design-wise is more square faces and toriyama-ish bigger eyes, however Mashima's character designs have sharper chins and feel less "plasticine"-ish.


Anyway for those who care there's an official anouncement from Shonen Jump mag:

Is it me or is it first time we saw coloured Happy?
Come on, as if Fairy Tail has an Overall Plot. The Overall Plot there is the thing with Zerref and thats not better than the Overall Plot about the One Piece.

And Natsu as exactly the same as Luffy. Both of them are fighting till the end for their friends and both dont have a clue about anything in the world.

And Lucy is just as moneyloving as Nami and both of them too care for their friends.

So I dont really see a difference between them.

But if doesnt get in my mind why you hate One Piece and like Fairy Tale, because both of them are completly alike.
Every bad thing you said about OP (like bad guys becoming good guys, the so said light plotline and shallow comedy) can be found in Fairy Tale, too.
And thats exaclty why they both are awesome and there is no point saying you hate the one and love the other, because that would be the same as saying you hate red apples but love green apples.

And no, Happy was coloured a long time ago.
QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 09:27 AM)Come on, as if Fairy Tail has an Overall Plot. The Overall Plot there is the thing with Zerref and thats not better than the Overall Plot about the One Piece.

Then you did not catch the overall plot, sadly ;]

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 09:27 AM)
And Natsu as exactly the same as Luffy. Both of them are fighting till the end for their friends and both dont have a clue about anything in the world.

And thats exactly same as Goku and half a dozen of other shounen heroes.

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 09:27 AM)
And Lucy is just as moneyloving as Nami and both of them too care for their friends.

And how is that different from any OTHER female heroines?

Thats not what the PERSONALITY is about. And Lucy is more fame-loving than "money-loving", to add,

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 09:27 AM)
So I dont really see a difference between them.

Yet again you did not state any PERSONALITY similarities, so yes when you put it that way - i don't see a difference between ANY character in shounen manga.

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 09:27 AM)
But if doesnt get in my mind why you hate One Piece and like Fairy Tale, because both of them are completely alike.

Except for art there's nothing alike in these two manga.

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 09:27 AM)
Every bad thing you said about OP (like bad guys becoming good guys, the so said light plotline and shallow comedy) can be found in Fairy Tale, too.

Erm, no?

Plotline arguably, is too thick in FT to be actually followed without any more major revelations and comedy, well thats a matter of taste, but the style is clearly different..

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 09:27 AM)
And thats exaclty why they both are awesome and there is no point saying you hate the one and love the other, because that would be the same as saying you hate red apples but love green apples.

So you are saying that "they are awesome because they have no plot"....Ok...

QUOTE (Killer_Ossi @ Jun 27 2009, 09:27 AM)
And no, Happy was coloured a long time ago.

yes just noticed. Seemingly I missed him in every color-page he was in >_>

Overall I am already bored with OP/FT comparisons. If you don't have any actual arguments to suit your opinion that "its the same".

I am already fed up with people just "stating" that X is same as Y and thats it. Seen it with Macross and Gundam, Geass and DN and whole lot of other things.

If you claim something being "same" as something else, at least bring a formidable proof instead of "X is same as Y because characterA is same as CharacterB". Statements fortified with other argument-less statements hold no value.
The only problem here is that you just dont want to see that they are simliar ^^
Youre complaining about my lack of good arguements, but up until now except saying "thats not right" you havent really brought any counter-arguements.

And yeah than it seems I didnt see the other overall plotline in FT. Care to tell me?

I didnt say that they are awesome because they have no Plotline. But ok it wasnt well typed what I wanted to say ^^

I meant they are both awesome, because they are very similiar (regardless what you say, that is my reality). So I dont see why FT works on you, while OP doesnt.

But yeah, comparing Gundam to Macross or Code Geass to Death Note is just dumb.
Okay i do like the whole FT and OP disscusion, but just letting you know that this thread is for FAIRY TAIL DISCUSSION not arguing which is better.

Personaly though im going to make a comment on it so it isnt just Ossi, Anybody, Ossi then Anybody again.

Yes the drawings are very similar to each other, but like that matters, imo the draws for both of the series of just great and make a change from most of the drawings in other shounen manga that are floating about thse days.

The plot for OP ill admit it is great at times, but surely some of you have to admit that 400+ chapters with a few being meaningless is just insanity, but at the same time i appreiciate Oda San because he is doing something that he loves and why should he stop.

FTs plot is good, again stuff going now where occasionaly but it still makes it a DAMN good manga.

Neither one is better than the other, they are both great series, yes they both have there pros and cons, but that doesnt mean that one is less as good as the other. Im sorry, but lates face it they are both superior to Naruto anyways and we all know thats what counts
Well i haven't read Fairy Tail in a year, stopped around Chapter 90, i don't really know why i stopped reading it. I loved chapters 1-90 but i guess i just couldn't be bothered.

Now i see that Fairy Tail is getting an anime (Finally!!!
) i decided to read 90-140.

And i gotta say, reading FT in one go made it alot better. Although the worst thing about stopping for a year is you don't really remember some of the characters etc. But i guess in FT it really doesn't matter because it's just awesome.

I loved the plot, and i'll be reading it every week from now on.

Yeah i do admit FT is better than Naruto and Bleach, well most series are nowdays imo.

Tbh i never really got into One Piece. But then again i haven't read it or watched it, so i can't really compare them too much. But yeah abit of the artwork looks similar, but hey it's just the way they draw. But Fairy Tail was able to lure me into reading it.

Gotta say the Dragons are quite interesting. I wonder if Wendy will be fit to heal Erza, she looks pretty messed up from reviving Gerard.
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