It's been a while since I been in here. Apparently the section is still alive! It's always nice to see something you started rolling many years ago still going even when your no longer there to look after it!
Anyway, I feel I can start the ball rolling on a new subject.
Most of you are probably aware of the situation in Greece in relation to the euro currency. As it is becoming clear as time goes by, there are only 2 solutions to the Greek problem.
1- Drop the euro (or get expulsed by others euro members). Accept the fact they can no longer roll over the debt, and write off all current debts (anyone who lended money to Greece can pretty much forget about it!). Start using a new national currency and after MANY hard years of local recession, get back on balance.
2- The euro zone becomes a real monetary zone like all others. In other words, they have institutionalized transfer payments between rich and poor zones to restore wealth equilibrium in the zone (like in Canada, the US and most larger countries). This would have one main implication. France and Germany would have to accept the fact they will pay for the smaller economies for many, many, many years to come.
Which options do you think is better or more plausible?
Option 1 is harder on the Greek people but easy on the rest of the world.
Option 2 is easy on most of the world, moderately hard for the richer european countries and Greece.
I was originally tending toward option 2. But seeing the way the political situation is developing and considering there is no universal language in europe to facilitate the mobility of workers, I am wondering if it will not simply end up being option 1 by default!
Any others ideas on the matter?
As always. a quick reminder of the section rules:
- Any opinion is fair game as long as you support it with arguments.
- Most of all, stay respectful of others people and their ideas, do not use abusive language and always support your arguments.
See for details.
Anyway, I feel I can start the ball rolling on a new subject.
Most of you are probably aware of the situation in Greece in relation to the euro currency. As it is becoming clear as time goes by, there are only 2 solutions to the Greek problem.
1- Drop the euro (or get expulsed by others euro members). Accept the fact they can no longer roll over the debt, and write off all current debts (anyone who lended money to Greece can pretty much forget about it!). Start using a new national currency and after MANY hard years of local recession, get back on balance.
2- The euro zone becomes a real monetary zone like all others. In other words, they have institutionalized transfer payments between rich and poor zones to restore wealth equilibrium in the zone (like in Canada, the US and most larger countries). This would have one main implication. France and Germany would have to accept the fact they will pay for the smaller economies for many, many, many years to come.
Which options do you think is better or more plausible?
Option 1 is harder on the Greek people but easy on the rest of the world.
Option 2 is easy on most of the world, moderately hard for the richer european countries and Greece.
I was originally tending toward option 2. But seeing the way the political situation is developing and considering there is no universal language in europe to facilitate the mobility of workers, I am wondering if it will not simply end up being option 1 by default!
Any others ideas on the matter?
As always. a quick reminder of the section rules:
- Any opinion is fair game as long as you support it with arguments.
- Most of all, stay respectful of others people and their ideas, do not use abusive language and always support your arguments.
See for details.