Let me begin by stating this post will to be very different from my usual posts. But today is not a regular day for me.
There is nothing more absolute than the flow of life. Living beings are born, live and eventually die. Anyone can comprehend it, after all, considering the tremendous complexity of living bodies, it would be impossible to keep them working for eternity. From a more global perspective, there would be no way to provided food and living space for all living beings if they were immortal.
Then why is it so hard for us to accept death? We try looking very hard for ways to avoid it, it makes us cry and very sad.
Of course, there are situation where people are sadder. For instance, when a child dies, everyone agrees that it was "unjust and unfair". It is usually considered less tragic when an older person dies. Probably because we are prepared and we all know that "old people die". But even then, to the people who are close to the deceased, it is extremely sad.
When looking at it rationally, I would be the first one to state that it is better to die before we degenerate. Personally, I believe there is very few things worst than degenerate into little more than a vegetable, but yet be kept alive. Nothing worst than suffering needlessly when there is no hope of getting better. But anyone having had to make a live or death decision to spare pain to a loved one, can testify how hard these decisions can be.
Why are we thorned apart by our will to spare misery and our desire to avoid death. Why is death so saddening. Is it because it is scary? Because it is the unknowed? The true frontier from which no one ever came back? Then again, if it was only scary, why are we sadden by it? Why does it make us cry and throws us into utter distress?
Life is indeed precious. Otherwise, we would not be reacting so strongly to death. Maybe it is actually because death creates so much emotions in us that we usually consider life to be the most important things.
Emotional attachments can be strong. We, as humans, tend to create attachments to other living beings. People do not cry when they break a chair, at least, not unless the chair was precious to them. What can make an object previous is always related to a living being. If it was left to us by a passed away relative. If it has history related to us, etc. What we actually cherish are the memories of the once living and what they left behind.
We are also not limited to other humans. Given time, we attach ourselves to all living things. Whether they be our sibling, parents or animals, we are sadden by death. Of course the level of attachment varies depending on the relationship. But the one and only constant is, sadness. Then one may ask, why do we get attached if it will lead to sadness? Since no one is immortal, why do we look for sadness by attaching ourselves?
This is the big question.
It is probably for the elapsing time while the other is alive. The time that we, as living being, know is limited to us. We want to make the most of it. Even if we know we will loose companions along the way, we want our existence to mean something. We want other to remember us, even if just briefly. But then, are we only selfish? Wanting to get close to others while we live means that once we die, we will be the one who sadden others.
Today, I cannot offer an answer to those questions.
Today, I am the one wondering.
Today, I learned that I will loose a close companion.
One who is very close to me,
Who has been with me for 15 years.
Who was playing with me when I was in elementary school.
Who was always close by when I was in high school.
Who was always there when I got back home after a long day at the University
Who has always been greeted me when I got back home after a day of work.
Today I learned that my cat has cancer.
I learned that he has a limited time to live.
I learned that I will have a very hard decision to make soon.
Why are we so sadden by death.
That is a question I hope to be able to answer one day.
But I don't think today is the day.
There is nothing more absolute than the flow of life. Living beings are born, live and eventually die. Anyone can comprehend it, after all, considering the tremendous complexity of living bodies, it would be impossible to keep them working for eternity. From a more global perspective, there would be no way to provided food and living space for all living beings if they were immortal.
Then why is it so hard for us to accept death? We try looking very hard for ways to avoid it, it makes us cry and very sad.
Of course, there are situation where people are sadder. For instance, when a child dies, everyone agrees that it was "unjust and unfair". It is usually considered less tragic when an older person dies. Probably because we are prepared and we all know that "old people die". But even then, to the people who are close to the deceased, it is extremely sad.
When looking at it rationally, I would be the first one to state that it is better to die before we degenerate. Personally, I believe there is very few things worst than degenerate into little more than a vegetable, but yet be kept alive. Nothing worst than suffering needlessly when there is no hope of getting better. But anyone having had to make a live or death decision to spare pain to a loved one, can testify how hard these decisions can be.
Why are we thorned apart by our will to spare misery and our desire to avoid death. Why is death so saddening. Is it because it is scary? Because it is the unknowed? The true frontier from which no one ever came back? Then again, if it was only scary, why are we sadden by it? Why does it make us cry and throws us into utter distress?
Life is indeed precious. Otherwise, we would not be reacting so strongly to death. Maybe it is actually because death creates so much emotions in us that we usually consider life to be the most important things.
Emotional attachments can be strong. We, as humans, tend to create attachments to other living beings. People do not cry when they break a chair, at least, not unless the chair was precious to them. What can make an object previous is always related to a living being. If it was left to us by a passed away relative. If it has history related to us, etc. What we actually cherish are the memories of the once living and what they left behind.
We are also not limited to other humans. Given time, we attach ourselves to all living things. Whether they be our sibling, parents or animals, we are sadden by death. Of course the level of attachment varies depending on the relationship. But the one and only constant is, sadness. Then one may ask, why do we get attached if it will lead to sadness? Since no one is immortal, why do we look for sadness by attaching ourselves?
This is the big question.
It is probably for the elapsing time while the other is alive. The time that we, as living being, know is limited to us. We want to make the most of it. Even if we know we will loose companions along the way, we want our existence to mean something. We want other to remember us, even if just briefly. But then, are we only selfish? Wanting to get close to others while we live means that once we die, we will be the one who sadden others.
Today, I cannot offer an answer to those questions.
Today, I am the one wondering.
Today, I learned that I will loose a close companion.
One who is very close to me,
Who has been with me for 15 years.
Who was playing with me when I was in elementary school.
Who was always close by when I was in high school.
Who was always there when I got back home after a long day at the University
Who has always been greeted me when I got back home after a day of work.
Today I learned that my cat has cancer.
I learned that he has a limited time to live.
I learned that I will have a very hard decision to make soon.
Why are we so sadden by death.
That is a question I hope to be able to answer one day.
But I don't think today is the day.