Title: Clannad ~After Story~
Japanese Title: クラナド アフターストーリー
Genre: Romance, Psychological-Drama, Slice-of-Life, Tragedy, Comedy
Premier: Fall 2008 (October 2008) (CONFIRMED)
Director: Tatsuya Ishihara
Animation Production: Kyoto Animation
Original Creator: Visual Art's/Key
Series Composition: Fumihiko Shimo
Screenplay: Fumihiko Shimo
Original Character Design: Itaru Hinoue
Official Website: http://www.tbs.co.jp/clannad/
TRAILER -----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqUhZZWAWm8
This is the sequel to KyoAni's Clannad TV series and the next-issue preview in the August issue (released on July 10) of Gakken's Animedia magazine indicates that the next Clannad anime project, Clannad After Story, will hold its premiere in the fall.
(~info found at ANN~)
The sequel will be based on the After Story arc from the visual novel which is a continuation of Nagisa's story.
If you guys want to know what happens in the After Story, I can give you guys a link that describes the events in detail.