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Welcome to the MaikuAndo TV Forum!

We hope you enjoy your stay with us and that you'll post lots, but before you do please give us a litle intro here and you can get to meet other new people at the same time! Also dont forget to read the rules for each section as you go in.

This thread is just a place to come in and say hello and to introduce yourself. If your new then tell us a bit about you, or what you like or something random you want to tell us.

This thread is fairly free/open but there should be no spam or adverts, legitamate introduction type of posts please! :)

This thread, as is the whole site, is always is 'still under construction', so use with care at your own risk! :)
What's up everyone, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hey. Hopefully I posted this in the right section!
QUOTE (oppomaddelf @ Nov 17 2009, 11:00 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=23
What's up everyone, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hey. Hopefully I posted this in the right section!

Welcome to the forum oppomaddelf!

Fraid its a bit quiet here at moment, but I hope you enjoy your stay !

Any problems let me or a mod know and we'll do what we can :)
hey guys whats going on here, forum is wayyyyyyyyyyy to quiet, really love the direct downloads dude (even the ecchi version =x) I had this account made along time ago but decided to actually post something hehe.

Nice to meet everyone :) oh and anyways im from Singapore too. :)
QUOTE (harubie @ Nov 12 2010, 06:20 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=473
hey guys whats going on here, forum is wayyyyyyyyyyy to quiet, really love the direct downloads dude (even the ecchi version =x) I had this account made along time ago but decided to actually post something hehe.

Nice to meet everyone :) oh and anyways im from Singapore too. :)

Hey, welcome to the forum,
glad you like the site and H version lol

Feel free to make some topics in the animes forum and get some people talking, we need some topics for the current season shows but no ones bothered to make anything :/
Hey guys this is Sev I'm a good friend of Maiku Ando's from Project Imas. Anywho just thought i'd introduce myself to everyone here on this forum.
Hi Guys!! THanks alot for fixing that error, let see favourite anime has got to be Zegepain, I watched it on one sitting because it was really good! I play the piano and occasionaly play drum.
Hi everyone. I've been an anime fan for years. Many of my favourite series involve magical girls. I have also occasionally helped subtitle some of the unlicensed series.

I found this site in a search engine. I forget what I was looking for. But I quickly decided that this is a place worth exploring. Somebody has put a lot of work and effort into this place. So it's now on my list of places to explore "real soon now".

Ciao for now. :)
Hi and welcome to the froum Sev, OneBook and Kentucky!

Sev is one of our new mods, so feel free to hassle him with questions as well as me and the others! Hopefully you should see a bit more effort put into the forum now we have some more people!

I hope everyone has a good time here on the forum, please feel free to start topics and threads, its a bit lacking at the moment, especially after we lost the forum when we had the drive fail a few months back :(
Hi, Fuko here. o/
I like many different anime, manga and games. My favorite one is Chrono Trigger. ;p My group (called by my nickname) does only the forgotten by everyone anime, like Mikan Enikki and Mahou Tsukai Sally. For now we need someone to do the translation checks. If there's anyone here, who can help, then I would appreciate your help. ^^
While I'm not really new to some fo the gand that came over here, but well... heck I'll introduce myself anyways.

A lot of people call me wolfie-san or woofie-san depending on who they are, but I have to say that I have to respect Maiku-dono on wanting me to check the place out. So with that I'l be in your care guys. :p
While I'm not really new to some fo the gand that came over here, but well... heck I'll introduce myself anyways.

A lot of people call me wolfie-san or woofie-san depending on who they are, but I have to say that I have to respect Maiku-dono on wanting me to check the place out. So with that I'l be in your care guys. :p

Welcome Wolfie-san!
Good to see you here :) Thanks for joining and hope you like it!
Ah it's a bit quiet at the moment but I hope things will pick up here soon. Besides you asked me to drop by so... I did. :p

Anyways I really do wish you the best of luck on picking up more members here as well. ;)
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