QUOTE (chiisai_hana @ Apr 28 2006, 09:03 AM) Doreamon isn't licenced in English, but it apparently has over 2000 episodes
would there be one too many zeros in there?
Because with 2000 episode, if we show one eps per week (like most series) it will take 38 and a half years!!!!! to show the whole series!!!!
Well, it's been running since the 70's and I think that's an OVA count and all too
QUOTE Doraemon is one of the longest running TV series in Japan, while Sazae-san has been running longer, there are more episodes of Doraemon. While the original 1973 series was not very well received and fizzled after only 27 episodes, the 1979 series still runs today, with over 2000 episodes (total) to date.
QUOTE (lemonade @ May 3 2006, 03:26 PM) can u upload mai otome episode 26 plz?
actually, i even don't need to upload it, you can go simply download it from this site.
to make it easier, i'll give you the link http://anime.fansub.tv/episode.php/2815/Mai%20Otome/26/
if u are want to ask for anime thread, check first if this site has it or not. if this site doesn't have it, u can post your request here.
QUOTE (Diabl01811 @ May 3 2006, 06:32 AM) is there any site allow direct download for One Piece for all chapter (chapter 1 until now)
like muffindomain.com with unlimitted download
The One Piece manga is licensed by Viz, so we cannot give you links and please do not post links to any downloads. Against forum rules and all that
I'm not sure why the rest of the Strawberry Panic episodes aren't being hosted on FSTV ...
@jul10: Sorry, I didn't mean your link. Posting links to downloads is okay as long as the series is unlicenced. If a series is licenced, neither party should be supply links to downloads.
Really though what's the point of this thread, as most of the anime/manga requested is already licensed? Unlicensed anime can easily be found here or other sites like animesuki, so request for those are few and far between.
QUOTE (Starzaka @ May 3 2006, 09:00 PM) Really though what's the point of this thread, as most of the anime/manga requested is already licensed? Unlicensed anime can easily be found here or other sites like animesuki, so request for those are few and far between.
Don't forget about Manga! some of us need manga so there is sort of a point to the thread and those hard to find anime that the site might not have that is unlicensed.
I know but that's where animesuki comes in, which provides a massive library of every unlicensed anime(and their fansub groups) in existence. But yeah I can see your point about the manga, though I usually see more requests for Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece than anything else.