Two heavy hitters this time around especially if you never saw the Demon Slayer movie. Ranking of Kings otherwise known as Ousama Ranking is a new release from Wit Studio that has many gushing over. Whilst the season premier and second episode are very solid and hold a lot of promise at this point it is a little to early to start throwing the accolades. But, and this a big but, it could turn into something very special... Intriguing is the best way to describe it as of now. As for Demon Slayer Mugen arc, the opening episode is unique so for movie watchers or newcomers it is a recommended watch. If you like playing games like where's Wally? Then movie goers could bask in spotting the differences between this anime and the movie. For people that missed the movie however there is more to be had. Me having seen the movie and recently too it does hold my attention that much but then I can understand that not everyone will see things the same way...
Ousama Ranking
After all the great titles like Attack on Titan, Great Pretender and Vinland Saga by Wit Studio I was keen to give this a go to see how it was. The first episode sets out the stall as we are see that Bojji is the next person in line to become the future king. Things are not that simple though due to his deafness and him being mute. These disabilities coupled with his physical weakness do put him in a rather precarious position as he could become easy pickings for people who want to usurp the throne. Given his disabilities I can see this potentially going down a dark path but the fact the episode ends on a high suggests that this may not be the case.
Got to warn you folks the second episode is a downer. Lots of sad stuff goes down as we get to hear the tragic backstory behind our shadow friend Kage. The opening scenes makes for difficult viewing as he is subjected with heartache after heartache. All those hardships make his cynical outlook all the more believable but unfortunately the rot does not stop there. What seems like a ray of hope turns into despair and this conclusion that make you question the loyalty of the court. Speaking of court, the allies mentioned earlier in the episode also suggest things may not be all what it seems. These two episodes will likely be an emotional ride but I warn it is mostly of the depressing sort. It is not a bad story but if the mood does not turn more positive then it maybe too much for some. Overall, it is a solid start and I would give this a 7/10.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mugen Train Arc
It is a delightful start as we get to see unique events that were not included in the movie. While I can’t say people who watched will learn anything new from Kyoujurou’s character in this episode we are treated to a new demon with some pretty exciting fight scenes. Things then wrap up at the point the movie started as all the main characters board the Mugen train. But hey we got an answer on how Kyoujurou boarded the train and obtained all that “cargo”. The nice tie-ins mean this episode can be enjoyed by all but newcomers or people who missed the movie will get the biggest bang for their buck from this opener.
The second episode largely follows the movie script so for anyone who watched that recently then this will seem like very familiar ground. I did feel on the whole things were more action packed in this TV version as the film did get off to a slow start. Still, we got some more good demon action and as always, the animation was excellent and it had a good opening and ending sequences to boot. Despite that addition and the tasty action scenes though I will say this is primarily for the newcomers/non-movie watchers or those who just can’t enough of that demon action. I will give this a 6.5/10 but this score mainly comes because I saw the movie not that long ago.
After all the great titles like Attack on Titan, Great Pretender and Vinland Saga by Wit Studio I was keen to give this a go to see how it was. The first episode sets out the stall as we are see that Bojji is the next person in line to become the future king. Things are not that simple though due to his deafness and him being mute. These disabilities coupled with his physical weakness do put him in a rather precarious position as he could become easy pickings for people who want to usurp the throne. Given his disabilities I can see this potentially going down a dark path but the fact the episode ends on a high suggests that this may not be the case.
Got to warn you folks the second episode is a downer. Lots of sad stuff goes down as we get to hear the tragic backstory behind our shadow friend Kage. The opening scenes makes for difficult viewing as he is subjected with heartache after heartache. All those hardships make his cynical outlook all the more believable but unfortunately the rot does not stop there. What seems like a ray of hope turns into despair and this conclusion that make you question the loyalty of the court. Speaking of court, the allies mentioned earlier in the episode also suggest things may not be all what it seems. These two episodes will likely be an emotional ride but I warn it is mostly of the depressing sort. It is not a bad story but if the mood does not turn more positive then it maybe too much for some. Overall, it is a solid start and I would give this a 7/10.
It is a delightful start as we get to see unique events that were not included in the movie. While I can’t say people who watched will learn anything new from Kyoujurou’s character in this episode we are treated to a new demon with some pretty exciting fight scenes. Things then wrap up at the point the movie started as all the main characters board the Mugen train. But hey we got an answer on how Kyoujurou boarded the train and obtained all that “cargo”. The nice tie-ins mean this episode can be enjoyed by all but newcomers or people who missed the movie will get the biggest bang for their buck from this opener.
The second episode largely follows the movie script so for anyone who watched that recently then this will seem like very familiar ground. I did feel on the whole things were more action packed in this TV version as the film did get off to a slow start. Still, we got some more good demon action and as always, the animation was excellent and it had a good opening and ending sequences to boot. Despite that addition and the tasty action scenes though I will say this is primarily for the newcomers/non-movie watchers or those who just can’t enough of that demon action. I will give this a 6.5/10 but this score mainly comes because I saw the movie not that long ago.