2008 Elections- USA

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Who will be the next president?

  • Obama- Democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McCain- Republican

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Well, I'm really getting into the 08 American presidential election even though I'm Canadian
Just curious what you think about the election and your opinions on who will win. Let's have our own vote lol, the FTV Presidential electionXD

My personal opinion:
I want Barack Obama to win it. This is because he seems to be more passionate than Hilary. Also I'm not a fan of people who cry or get "teary" near the end of ther campaign in New Hampshire like Hilary did. I'm more interested in the Democratic side since it's much more exciting, Clinton and Obama are pretty much what everyone is talking about. Also it seems like McCain will win on the Republican side seeing as he won in New Hampshire. In the end though, I hope Obama becomes the next president.
You had to do it didn't you? You just had to bring talk of the election for the new "thief in chief" to FTV. The election isn't until next November! Many of those candidates won't be on the ballot.

In any case I like Ron Paul's libertarian policies. I probably won't vote for him since he has a snowballs chance in Hell of getting elected. In all reality I'll end up voting for Huckabee or possibly McCain since I don't like the way Romney and Giuliani do things.

I just hope Hilary doesn't get elected. If that happens I'm possibly leaving the country and joining you in Canada while I wait 4-8 years for a less oppressive administration.

Moderator Note: Post edited, i hope for your sake it was a spelling error. Alot of people could be offended what your original post contained.

No there was no spelling error. I actually did place her on the same level as Adolf Hitler. One again if she gets elected I flee the country as a political refugee.
People I know are kind of confused as to why there is so much coverage of this on Canadian television. Because it's getting rid of Bush? Listening to non-stop coverage of our own elections is annoying enough, why do we have to spend two years listening to the American one?

This is the amount of faith some people have in America: I have been told that, if Obama does become president, some anti-Obama American will assassinate him before his term ends.

I don't know much about the candidates so I can't say anything about them personally.
mmmf, I'm not exactly sure who I WANT to get elected, but I know who I DON'T want. Hillary, while I think she'd do alright, just rubs me the wrong way. I'm not a big fan of her methods. I'd prefer Obama to her, but... he's not exactly my cup of tea either, and I'm not too familiar with any of the other democrats.

And as far as the republicans go, the only one who wouldn't make me rip out my newly-formed goatee upon election would be Ron Paul, because I'm a fan of his crazy libertarian policies (well, most of them, anyways).

But I think any of the candidates would be better than our dear Bushy-kins.
QUOTE You had to do it didn't you? You just had to bring talk of the election for the new "thief in chief" to FTV. The election isn't until next November! Many of those candidates won't be on the ballot.

So... It'll just be narrowed down to 1 democrat and 1 republican in the end, but why wait that long, may as well see how people think right now and who they believe will win it.

I just hope Hilary doesn't get elected. If that happens I'm possibly leaving the country and joining you in Canada while I wait 4-8 years for a less oppressive administration.

No there was no spelling error. I actually did place her on the same level as Adolf Hitler. One again if she gets elected I flee the country as a political refugee.

That's very harsh, I have nothing against Hilary, she is a strong candidate that might win this election. She's been fighting very strongly throughout the election, and there are very few women who can do what shes doing. Even though there are certain aspects I don't prefer about her, she is still the 2nd best candidate to me, 1st being Obama. Very Harsh.....

QUOTE People I know are kind of confused as to why there is so much coverage of this on Canadian television.

Actually there is no more or no less coverage than there was in previous elections. I don't even watch any Canadian networks for coverage on the USA election, it's all about CNN lol That's all I watched
QUOTE (InuyashaX @ Jan 09 2008, 06:02 PM) She's been fighting very strongly throughout the election, and there are very few women who can do what shes doing.
First off take a good long look and Hilary and tell me that you are convinced thats a woman.

Yeah yeah harsh. However since you are a Canadian and aren't going to be the one stuck with a politician you dislike if she gets elected. Sure you might dislike how our President acts and their policies towards your nation but you are for the most part unaffected by what they do.

Secondly I'll list some women who have done things similar to what Hilary is trying. Joan of Arc(a bit out of place but no less incredible), Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi and more here and here.
So you can see there are precedents.
So are you saying what Bush is currently doing is alright with you? To be honest they are all moving towards change which to me is the right way to go. I don't see how America can go downhill more than it already is thanks to the war in Iraq. And if you think she is so terrible, why is it that she's one of the most anticipated candidates to win the election? Why did she win in New Hampshire?
QUOTE (InuyashaX @ Jan 09 2008, 08:39 PM) So are you saying what Bush is currently doing is alright with you? To be honest they are all moving towards change which to me is the right way to go. I don't see how America can go downhill more than it already is thanks to the war in Iraq. And if you think she is so terrible, why is it that she's one of the most anticipated candidates to win the election? Why did she win in New Hampshire?
No I'm not a big Bush supporter despite the fact I'm a Republican. I feel he was the lesser of two evils in the elections he won but thats not saying much. And yeah America is in deep shit. We do need change everybody agrees on that. I just feel the changes Hilary would try and make would not be for the best.

To be honest with you the whole lot of them don't seem to be working on things I care about. Like protective tariffs, getting away from free trade agreements(notably with China its killing us), a national sales tax to replace the income tax, pulling our boys out of Iraq ASAP, getting some jobs back in this country, tell the UN to suck it, letting us keep our guns or rather remove the unconstitutional red tape that makes up most firearms legislation, beat the boys in Detroit with a stick until they can give us a car worth a damn that doesn't need gas to run.

Those are just a few of the things I'd like to see happen over the next few years. Just a couple of those would go a long way towards pulling this country up out of the gutter its landed in. The only one who would come close to any of this would be Ron Paul but unless something drastic happens he won't end up in the White House when the smoke clears come November.

Besides despite what you see these politicians say on TV they are after all politicians and prone to lying through their teeth for a living. Also our president while powerful does not make the laws. He can put things before our Congress but they can vote it down so the President might not be able to deliver on things they promised. So whatever Hilary or any other politician might claim they will do its really not up to them.

As for why she is anticipated to win. She was the First Lady, shes well known. Many other candidates don't have that advantage. I don't live in New Hampshire so her winning there had nothing to do with me. Besides I can't control who other people vote for. They can vote for whoever they damn well want. Thats their right as an American citizen. I might not like the way they vote and they might not like how I vote but we have to respect each others rights.
QUOTE (smokie @ Jan 09 2008, 10:45 PM) To be honest with you the whole lot of them don't seem to be working on things I care about. Like protective tariffs, getting away from free trade agreements(notably with China its killing us), a national sales tax to replace the income tax, pulling our boys out of Iraq ASAP, getting some jobs back in this country, tell the UN to suck it, letting us keep our guns or rather remove the unconstitutional red tape that makes up most firearms legislation, beat the boys in Detroit with a stick until they can give us a car worth a damn that doesn't need gas to run.

Well a few of your aguments are valid I guess, I don't fully know all the issues, but getting the troops out of Iraq asap is a bad idea. Also Barack Omaba wishes to do that very thing. If they do get them out asap, then the Taliban or any other resistance in Iraq will be able to get the advantage and take over, this will give America a bad image and give them the idea that America is unable to continue to maintain order in Iraq which could lead to a war down the road, who knows... Also, Edwards is planning on getting a National Sales tax for the country, so vote for him if you want it. As for guns, I'm sort of not to found about them at all, so I wont go there.

But someof your issues are being adressed by the candidates, and some are also not a smart decision, while others may be viable.

FYI to all: Richardson has dropped out of the campaign, please disregard him on the poll.
QUOTE (smokie @ Jan 09 2008, 07:21 PM) First off take a good long look and Hilary and tell me that you are convinced thats a woman.

It's a bit misogynous, really.
If Clinton is such a bad candidate, you can find numerous better arguments who won't weaken your position (people take you more seriously when they don't believe you're a fool)

I'd say that around here (I mean Freedomland, aka France), the two most liked - and the two most famous anyway - candidates are Clinton and Obama. Both are not Bush (who strangely enough, is not the favourite US president ever), Clinton is a woman and the wife of her husband (who was seen as a likeable person) and Obama is young, black and a damn good speaker.
Of course, as always with foreign affairs, the foreign policies are overrated and the home policies are a bit dismissed.

Ron Paul seems to be very present on the net-sphere, but I fail to see how most of his ideas could be realized.


If they do get them out asap, then the Taliban or any other resistance in Iraq will be able to get the advantage and take over, this will give America a bad image and give them the idea that America is unable to continue to maintain order in Iraq which could lead to a war down the road, who knows...

Talibans => Afghanistan, not Iraq.
And you shouldn't use a future tense in "will give America a bad image.
I think Barak Obama has got this thing in the bag. But either way it is going to be first for the USA to have a woman or black guy for their president. And if you ask me both are better then Bush.
OK... I'm not an American citizen and I don't live in the United States, but I have been watching this closely since the company I work for has a lot of US-based clients.

As a woman, I would like to see Hilary Clinton win. the feminist inside me screams that no woman would even be considered unless they were identified as extremely qualified. But the realist in me says that just because I'm a woman does not mean I should vote for a woman. My country currently has a woman president and she's great witht he economy but is not without it's extremely harsh critiques and deposers.

In actuality, I'm a great admirer of Obama and McCain since they started joining the talk show circuit - I think that it was two-three years ago. I've been enthralled with the way both carries themselves and the intelligent way they answer questions. And they have humor too.

But the question actually is, is America ready for a woman or African-American president?
QUOTE (biankita @ Jan 10 2008, 12:09 PM) But the question actually is, is America ready for a woman or African-American president?
Yes, yes and yes^^ It's been proven well that America is definetly ready for a african american/woman president. John Edwards is pretty much out of the race and will likely take 3rd. However, I believe, fighting for Vice President is in his best interests now, I doubt he's gonna turn things around, I believe he should be Barack's VP, they would make a great team and together beat Hilary. So far the race is tight between Obama and Hilary, Omaba's win today in South Carolina was a much needed victory, if he had lost, the race would likely have been over for him. He has proven Iowa wasn't a fluke and that race, gender and age don't determine who people vote for, he won in a "white" state afterall, Iowa.

I hope Obama win's this, I think he has the potential to change America's image and send it on a postive route that will forever improve the economy. He's such a great motivational speaker as well and it would be a shame if he lost to Hilary.

I also feel Hilary has been using dirty moves recently, with her husband making un-called, disgusting comments to Obama. It seems Obama is fighting 2 people, Hilary and her husband, which is plain stupid on Hilary's part. She seems to be using her Husband as a crutch to gain support for her. And ever her daughter is helping her out, why can't Hilary fight her own battles? This just shows the treachory she has brought in the campaign, and how it has back fired on her causing her to lose signifigantly in South Carolina. Obama, destroyed Edwards and Hilary by taking 55% of the vote. I had some respect for her, but now, it just seems she'll do anything for a win rather than start working on talking about the issues which is what this election is all about.

Also, it seem's quite clear that McCain will be representing the Republican's in the final election for president. Guliani, spent way too much time and money in California, he's basically riding on that state, and as a result, he's in a distant 3rd.
I think we will see McCain and Huckabee run together. Not sure who will be President and who will be VP but I think they could pull out a win for the Grand Old Party come November.
Let's see, as of now, 14 people have voted on this poll. There are 414 active users online at this moment. If we correlate this with an interest in politics amongst avid anime fans... well.. let's just say we know where their loyalties lye!

At any rate, it sure seems like Obama's got some serious support (if you count the 14 votes of avid anime fans
). I'm personally a fan, too. While he's not exactly ideal in my opinion, he's by far my strongest choice in the way of candidates who actually have a chance of winning. Hillary, just rubs me the wrong way. I don't care much for her philosophy (although she'd be infinitely better than the ape behind our wheels right now

But hey, we've got a woman candidate, a black candidate, you what minority I'd like to see run for office? An atheistic candidate. Not a closet atheist, like current politicians would need to be, but an openly atheistic candidate.Albeit with 90% of Americans believing in a God and atheists being the least trusted minority in the nation...
I doubt it'll happen for a long, long while. Probably some time after the predicted apocalypse.

At any rate, I'm all for getting that dang-fangled Bush-Lord out of our hair.
QUOTE Let's see, as of now, 14 people have voted on this poll. There are 414 active users online at this moment. If we correlate this with an interest in politics amongst avid anime fans... well.. let's just say we know where their loyalties lye!

But there's no 414 american active users.
I didn't vote the poll for this reason (and not because I'm not interested. If only to see the the USA will try to maintain their place in the world).

Besides, there's no leftist candidates on the poll, so...
QUOTE (Dalriada @ Jan 28 2008, 11:59 PM)
But there's no 414 american active users.
I didn't vote the poll for this reason (and not because I'm not interested. If only to see the the USA will try to maintain their place in the world).

Besides, there's no leftist candidates on the poll, so...

Well, take into account there are well over 414 member of FTV, a good portion of which are American.

...but it seems like at least half the people posting here aren't American either... so... yeah... there you go.

Besides, who needs to try to make the world a better place when you can just watch anime, right?
QUOTE (EggBeast @ Jan 29 2008, 03:45 AM) ...but it seems like at least half the people posting here aren't American either... so... yeah... there you go.

Even if more of the American members were posting here a good deal of them are not old enough to vote, and even if they are old enough they might not be registered.
To be honest, I don't want any of the above to win. I'm sick and tired of this damned country being run by Conservatives. Anyone out there who says, 'but the USA has had Democratic presidents,' is going to get bashed personally. 'Democratic' has sweet-f all to do with being Liberal. This country has not had a Liberal president since 1964 when LBJ was elected. Forty four years of Conservative ruling is far too much for my liking thank you. And besides, far too many folks are disillusioned into thinking that it's the President who runs this country anyways. By now we should all be comfortable in the fact that it's the special interest groups, lobbyists and such that really have the pull in politics. Oil corporations, pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, can manufacturers and religious affiliates (so much for separation of church and state, eh?). And in closing, I'm not sure how good anyone is out of the list of candidates....Not as in their personal quality, but as in their ability to fix the horrible, disastrous, unbelievable, atrocious, god awful MESS left by the complete git retard that stands in the Oval Office for another year.
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