Synopsis: Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 2nd October 2021 – 18th December 2021
Studio: Studio Gokumi Genre: Slice-of-life/darkish magical girl series
Prequels: Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero: The Washio Chapter, Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero, Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero: The Mankai Chapter
Recommended audience: Fans of the...
The Hero Chapter is the immediate sequel to the original Yuuki Yuuna and is perhaps the strongest season yet (I have not seen the Mankai chapter yet so that doesn't count in my reckoning). This season is largely story driven with the slice-of-life/comedy elements taking a back seat. The major...
The Washio Chapter is actually a prequel to the original Yuuki Yuuna season although if you want to get the most out of this franchise I would still recommend watching the original Yuuki Yuuna over this. I say that because the revelations mentioned in this Washio chapter will spoil a major twist...
In this prequel I will be reviewing the first (second season depending on how you call seasons) in the Yuuki Yuuna franchise. If you are a fan of magical girls and drama then this could be worth a look as this series has got all the stuff to cater for such fans. Be warned though there are some...
Strong showings in this lot but the one that edges it for me is Mieruko-chan! This series is becoming one of the hotter shows of the autumn season and I am not saying this because of the fanservice! XD I am generally leery of horror/comedy but this one manages to nail the balance quite...
86 part 2
autumn 2021
fall 2021
the great mankai chapter
yuuki yuuna
Japanese: 結城友奈は勇者である 大満開の章
Airing date: 2/10/2021 (Saturday release)
Episodes: 12
Genres: Dark magical girl, drama, fantasy
Studio: Studio Gokumi
Synopsis: Yuuki Yuuna is a dark magical girl series that deals with a group of girls who try and save the world from powerful monsters called...
In the fourth part of the prequal series I will look into Magia Records which is a side story to the renowned Madoka series. While not quite as good as its main story counterpart Magia Records was still a fairly enjoyable watch. What is more this series has the potential for its second season to...