Synopsis: Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to...
F/GO final singularity: Solomon (2021), Camelot (2020-21) & Babylonia (2019-20)
at last its finale is subbed yet i doubt 2-5, the Singularities left ever be animated :(
Episodes: 20 Original airing dates: 1st August 2021 – 19th December 2021
Studio: SILVER LINK Genre: Comedy, supernatural
Recommended audience: Those will like childish comedy antics and cute girls
The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! which also goes by the name...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 9th October 2021 – 25th December 2021
Studio: SynergySP Genre: Romance/historic/comedy
Recommended audience: Fans of romantic tales or cute waifus
Taishou Otome Otogibanashi is a historic romantic story produced by SynergySP...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 7th October 2021 – 23th December 2021
Studio: OLM Genre: Comedy/slice-of-life/romance
Recommended audience: Fans of the manga and those that get a kick out of cringeworthy moments!
Komi Can’t Communicate otherwise known as...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 10th October 2021 – 26th December 2021
Studio: Doga Kobo Genre: Romantic/comedy and slice-of-life
Recommended audience: Fans of slice-of-life shows primarily. Romantic lovers may also dig this
Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 3rd October 2021 – 19th December 2021
Studio: Passione Genre: Horror/comedy
Recommended audience: People who like light hearted horror shows with a pinch of character drama
Mieruko-chan is a horror/comedy series that came out...
Planetarian: Snow Glove OVA, are Chapters Jerusalem or Tircis and Aminte next?
they delayed its 15th Anniversary Prequel to this year, only 2 eps left to animate :)
Episode 12
We join Miko as the terrible fiend charges at her after discovering she can see it! Just as it looks like Miko will be torn limb from limb the shrine ghosts save her for the third and final time! What will happen now? Who knows but despite the vicious attack, Zen’s mothers spirit...
Episode 20
The demon lord and Su try and make amends over the carnage that ensued yesterday by helping in the repair of the pub!
Jahy is reluctant to return to the god forsaken pub but the landlady insists. When she reaches the pub Jahy gets a surprise!
Instead of celebrating Jahy looks...
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai: anniversary, '11-21
Also check out its 2012 special, Letter to Menma and upcoming new project! o_O
The Washio Chapter is actually a prequel to the original Yuuki Yuuna season although if you want to get the most out of this franchise I would still recommend watching the original Yuuki Yuuna over this. I say that because the revelations mentioned in this Washio chapter will spoil a major twist...
Episode 11
Things kick off with a flashback from a young Zen who is scolded for not getting a perfect score on the test. When a classmate calls for Zen, this only angers his mother further for she feels betrayed that he would hide such details. Although she allows him to attend, in act of...
Episode 19
The great Jahy-sama lets out an all-mighty battle cry that stirs Druj into action!
Jahy’s bold words makes Druj reflect on how various demons in the dark realm who have powers that are revered.
Unlike her own which is to manipulate the hearts of others. To make it worse, the...
Episode 09
With the teacher off on maternity leave the replacement is the man Miko met in the park! He introduces himself as Zen Toono. Miko is immediately frightened and can see many evil spirits emanating from the man and even has difficulty looking at the bloke. No such problems for all the...
Episode 18
We witness the purification of Saurva!
With her senses honed and powers increased Saurva begins to have delusions that she can finally defeat Jahy!
It is not long before Saurva challenges Jahy to a duel but instead of cowering in fear, Jahy just seems perplexed at this...
Episode 17
Lamenting the fact she must change every season to keep hip Druj suddenly has the idea that dressing Jahy in different outfits will make her look even more spectacular!
Naturally everyone wants to carry the splendour that is Jahy-sama and Druj’s epiphany takes off with all the...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean, finally 12'eps at once in this series!
no wonder why now all 6 seasons are available in netflix, instead of crunchyroll :p
Episode 07
Yulia is taking a shower and when she peers over to the hole can see another little critter staring right back at her. Taking this perv in her stride she casually dries her hair but then clearly remembers the time when Miko grabbing her in a chokehold. Vowing never to be humiliated...
Episode 16
Jahy delivers the fantastic news to Druj that the lord and saviour of the dark realm has finally appeared! She's on cloud nine!
That is until she learns of Jahy’s stalker-chan!
Druj cannot believe that a mere human can sit in the presence of the Great Jahy-sama and when she...