Synopsis: Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to...
F/GO final singularity: Solomon (2021), Camelot (2020-21) & Babylonia (2019-20)
at last its finale is subbed yet i doubt 2-5, the Singularities left ever be animated :(
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 9th October 2021 – 3rd January 2022
Studio: Children’s Playground Entertainment Genre: Isekai/adventure
Recommended audience: Lovers of character/driven adventure series
The Faraway Paladin also known as Saihate no Paladin is...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 6th October 2021 – 22th December 2021
Studio: Madhouse/MAPPA Genre: Action/fantasy/romance
Recommended audience: Those who like character driven action with a touch of romance.
Takt Op. Destiny is an action/fantasy series with...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 7th October 2021 – 23th December 2021
Studio: Satelight Genre: Sci-fi/adventure
Recommended audience: People who like adventure stories and like strong headed lolis
Sakugan sometimes known as Sacks&Guns is a sci-fi/adventure...
Episode 11
The episode starts of with a flashback of Daida’s childhood showing his relationship with Boijj and his parents. Whilst he was initially close to his elder brother, Bojji’s limitations soon become obvious. It is this apparent weakness that led to Hiling encouraging Daida to act as...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 4th October 2021 – 20th December 2021
Studio: Studio Bind Genre: Isekai/adventure/fantasy
Prequel: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Part 1
Recommended audience: Fans of fantasy/adventure anime with a dose of fanservice
Episode 10
Bojji has completed his training and even sports an impressive little sword which Kage is excited to see! Where did Bojji gain the strength to wield such a thing? The answer is soon revealed when he removes the sword from its sheath and all we see is a stick thin rapier! What a...
Episode 09
Bosse’s spirit who currently resides in the body of Daida stands before Queen Hiling. She is initially reluctant to believe the claim that it is Bosse standing before her but when he decides to snap his massive club into pieces and then crushes it to form a diamond, she grasps the...
Episode 08
Things start off with a flashback scene featuring King Bosse who wishes to gain power through a pact from a demon. The demon says he can grant Bosse’s wish but in order to do so he must extract the power from another blood relative in exchange. Bosse hesitates initially citing he...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean, finally 12'eps at once in this series!
no wonder why now all 6 seasons are available in netflix, instead of crunchyroll :p
Episode 07
We are back with Daida and witness him being forced the elixir of resection. Consuming all its contents, he goes into a spasm and after a brief moment of unconsciousness he awakens. The mirror looks on clearly satisfied with events saying Daida will be a receptible but to what...
My Hero Academia 5th series (2021) and 4th (‘19-20), S6 confirmed too next year
agreed i’m just done binging s4 and 5, one of a few 100+’ep animes I still watch :)
Episode 05
Things kick off from the end of the last episode with Domas pushing Bojji off the cliff edge in what seems like a certain death!
Instead something remarkable happens. What appears to be a spike comes off Bojji's backpack that stops his fall. Bojji was saved by Kage who was hiding...
Jobless reincarnation takes the biscuit in this lot. If you are a fan of yaoi though then the decision will be more difficult and likely a tossup between Jobless and Tricornered Window. For non-fans of the Boy Love genre the series may still prove to be enjoyable as the mystery/horror element is...
autumn 2021
boy love
fall 2021
jobless reincarnation
jobless reincarnation part 2
part 2
the night beyond tricornered window
tsuki to laika nosferatu
Two heavy hitters this time around especially if you never saw the Demon Slayer movie. Ranking of Kings otherwise known as Ousama Ranking is a new release from Wit Studio that has many gushing over. Whilst the season premier and second episode are very solid and hold a lot of promise at this...
Akumajō Dracula: Castlevania Season 4 (2021) and 3 (20), also sequel confirmed
I like metroidvanias but yes Cvs began It all 35 years ago, netflix to adapt sotn? :o
Billed as the successor to Death Note and Bakuman; Platinum End certainly had a heap of expectation attached to it. The fact that I had heard less than promising things about the manga meant I was a little leery starting this but thankfully the show was better than what I was expecting. Lots of...
This trio has quite a range! We start off with the another big hitter in Jobless Reincarnation. I am sure lots of people will dive into that but the other series are a unique mix. This season holds yet another vampire series in the shape of Laika who is a lady vampire who wants to be the first...
autumn 2021
boy love
fall 2021
jobless reincarnation
jobless reincarnation part 2
part 2
the night beyond tricornered window
tsuki to laika nosferatu