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  • Wooooow, new place is even more firework crazy than the last place I lived. Folks behind me are setting off the big mortars. XD
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    Reactions: Ryu
    Wish me luck, everyone, I'm moving later this month. Not quite a clean new start, but leaving behind ~90% of my old business and hopefully getting to go full force on my startup in the process.
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    Reactions: Kid-Wolf and Ryu
    While this maybe late to say this, but hopefully things turn out well.
    Not too late, and appreciated! ^^ It's been good but crazy. We've hit two delays, but they've been beneficial delays, so we're just kinda riding the whirlwind. 90% of the house is packed, just getting the last little bits packed and all the "you're moving? I want a new computer before you go" work done.
    I'm up to my ears in work, but still lurking about. Hoping to get a project finished enough to be worth showing off in coming months.
    America needs Insurance Insurance.
    i knew it would bring bad luck to post about Maoh Trump, yet theres hope that AoT S2 will encourage people to stand against him in 2017!
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