how do you play .sfv files

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New Member
Can you tell how ... if you need a program to play, please give the link to the website download.
thank you thank you very much
i don't think we have any .sfv files on this site
sfv are only used to check if your downloads are corrupt, which is only a problem if your downloading via http/mIRC.
.sfv files are only there to tell you exactly how big the file is suppose to be, it doesn't house subtitles, and also Coolio is right on it.
use sfv checker or advanced checksum verifier to compare the file that u download.

On the anime title, you will see something like this


Using those software, you can calculate the crc or sfv and compare with those number beside the title (DA65GJ4) . If the number is the same, the file is ok. If not, then it is corrupted.
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