How many threads can we use?

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@coolio & nekronos
what are u guys doing.. i think he is being nice by asking this question.. he wanted to make sure that he wont rape the server by opening too many connections..

i think he meant connections..

anyway, @gila-kid (are u from m'sia?)
im not sure abt the exact max figure, but anything reasonable is fine (me using 5 connections).. but you'll get banned if you open like 30-40 connections at the same time.
maybe he wants to the know the max he can use before getting banned eh? usually ppl who ask about such things and related subjects are like this
If you use a download agent program to connect to our servers, please limit the number of connections used.
Using multiple connections may result in a ban. Downloading several files at once will increase your chances of getting banned.
If you wish to continue using our servers, take this warning seriously. This is not an idle threat.
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