Psychic Acaedemy

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I've only read the first volume but i found it completely hilarious. Master Boo, the bunny rabbit is awesome and just made me chuckle all the time. I like the not taken very seriously grandiose nature of the background - main character's brother is the vanquisher of some all powerful evil and now he teaches at the psychic school. Well kind of as he seems to be too busy messing around. It has to be read to be appreciated as i cannot really explain all the plot too greatly. Basically male protagonist - turns out he has psychic potential - is sent to the psychic acaedemy (new and quite prestigious as psychic powers are still being researched it would seem). There everyone thinks he will be a bit of a hero. Kind of like Harry Potter therefore but with a "psychotic" bunny rabbit, a crazy powerful and perhaps mad and loving bother, psychic powers instead of magic and a little eechi on the side... so far there are two love interests but i sense more. It's from the person who did the 8 volumes of escaflowne manga... not that they were brilliant, preferred the series, but you can appreciate the art style and this manga seems to be a step up story wise as it actually made me laugh quite a lot.
So, anyone reading it? Does it get better in volume 2? Oh and hi, new member! Love the site and really appreciate the direct downloads as my router hates bit torrent for some unfathomable reason!
I started it, but it started to become more like a fighting-type manga, and I like the more cutesy stuff. -.-' I drive my friends nuts, since they joke that they can see the sugar dripping off my bookshelf from some of the titles. The artwork is pretty nice, from what I read. It looks like there is an anime of it too.
I've read up to volume 10, waiting for 11 to be released here. I like the series alot, it's funny, has a good dose of action, some ecchi and romance with a twist
I recommend this series. There's also an anime for it, but I have only watched a couple of the episodes and that was quite a while ago.
Psychic Academy is one of my favourite mangas. I found it impossble to put down and got through all 2000 pages or so within a week. I think it was partly the story telling, the stakes are raised in each volume, we start with Shiomi Ai having to deal with minor embarrasments and bullying but gradually his old foes become allies as he begins to see the bigger picture, that there are strange and malevolent things going on in the world. Are these academies really there to teach them, or as the delinquent Len claims, to imprison and exploit them? Although it has very funny moments, the story is ultimately dark and tragic, though this angle develops gradually. It's good how the characters aren't two-dimensional but change over time, e.g. Len starts off the delinquent bully but in the end we seem him as a good guy.

I also found it a very romantic story, with the classic romantic triangle etc. Unlike most anime series, Shiomi does at least get the girl, I preferred this to those stories where no progress ever seems to be made, with girls always slapping the boys about and giving them the brush off (like in Full Metal Panic for instance), that gets old really quickly.

The ecchi visual style is also great, apparently the mangaka previously did hentai stuff and he's kept to his style of buxom girls with skin tight clothing. The rabbit was just plain weird, I thought it funny though when Shiomi's roommate who's into weird bondage stuff comments on the fact that Shiomi's taking the rabbit to bed with him: "You sleep with a rabbit? Interesting..."
read only the first two volumes.... I also searched for the anime...but it didn't interest me that much so now I'm just reading it.... its true that Ai-kun's problems are progressively getting bigger....^^

By the way until what volume is this? Is there a site to downloads this please PM me...^^
There are 11 volumes in all. The story has a definite end, although I felt the wrap up at the end was a bit vague. Without giving any spoilers I can say that in a sense the real ending—in emotional terms at least—comes about 30 pages fom the end. The remainder is more like an epilogue in which the mangaka has to try and get what has been an ever accelerating train to come to a halt at at the last station.

Since the manga is on sale in English speaking countries I think it'll be hard to find the scanlations any more. Translation-wise some of the scanlation didn't read as very good English anyhow. E.g. on one page "jumping to conclusions" comes out as "quick decision", which leaves you scratching your head.
I only read the emanga version to vol 9 and my opinion is 7/10 it story is not so much suprise the drawing is nice but not enogh for me . A fighting manga ? Not so rude but compare to Busou Renkin and Rurouni Kenshin of Nobuhiro Watsuki sensei ,it just like SailorMoon or CCSakura about fighting style .Its design make me feel bad, but at least it not really wasting time to read it
Its a good manga but i hated the ending. First time a manga has ever made me want to not have ever the ending (the last 2 volumes mainly). i wanted him to end up with orina but instead he wants mew who dies. Overall i would not read this manga again also i would not reccomend it to someone who likes a good romance/comedy manga. It was good until he wanted mew and not orina any more
Regarding Shiomi Ai's dilemma between Mew and Orina, I agree it's not a happy ending, but I do think it's a realistic one, in such a triangle situation there will never be a happy outcome for everyone, and often no-one ends up with what they wanted.

I think the author intended the story as a romantic tragedy from the outset, you can see it being set up right back in chapter 2 when Orina hears that Mew & Shiomi's auras match 100% (or even in chapter 1). From that point on, it is clear one of the girls is going to get hurt, and maybe both of them or all of them.

Also Mew is very fatalistic, she knows that the ADC's tampering with her aura code will be the death of her, it seems all those who passed through the ADC are doomed to suffer and die, with the notable exception of Zero who is beyond their influence due to his natural power.

In fact the tragic nature of the story is one of the things that kept me glued to it, it's like moths and candles I guess, you know it will be an upsetting story but the emotional power of it sucks you in for the ride, the same reason we like going on things like rollercoasters at fairgrounds I suppose.
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