Maiku Ando's Blog

Ad: Buy Girls Und Panzer Merch from Play Asia!
Happy Birthday Maho Nishizumi ! (2024)
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It is Maho day again and so we bring you some Maho things to brighten your day!

First on the list, check out ! A new project for videos and MMDs that uses our software:

Some Youtube videos I found since last year:



And of course if you missed last years post you can see it here.
Happy Birthday Maho Nishizumi! - July 1st (2023)
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Once again it is Maho Day! Happy Birthday Maho Nishizumi !

Last year I posted tons of videos I had found of Maho, there are not so many this time as I already posted them and I have not found so many this year, so here are some other random Maho things I found, enjoy!

Maho Nishizumi Doll Project - Part 1 - Where to Start
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Being a doll collector and a huge fan of Maho Nishizumi from Girls Und Panzer I have been quite disappointed at the total lack of any Maho dolls from any of the doll companies, therefore this is the story of my project to make my own Maho Nishizumi doll in 1/3 size (approx 48-50cm).

First lets look at what already exists, the closest I found was Danny Choo's Smart Doll of Miho which comes in the Oarai senshado uniform, however the hair and face would of course be very wrong for Maho, and it was also no longer being produced.

Lets take a closer look.

And of course we need Maho to compare to:
These are all official images (I think) and hopefully you can...
Happy Birthday Maho Nishizumi! - July 1st
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Happy Birthday Maho! To celebrate Maho day, please enjoy these videos and of course be sure to re-watch every episode of Girls Und Panzer!

Note: Some of these DO contain spoilers!

Also, if you like any of these, I'd suggest downloading them with something like ClipGrab, as Youtube likes to delete these randomly.

New Forum Layout - Current Season Anime
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I have decided to try out a new layout for the Animes section of the forum, starting with this season a new forum will be created for each anime season. Once the season ends the threads will be moved to the forum area for that season and the 'Current Season' will then receive the new threads. The idea is to allow us to use the article layout which will create a display similar to the many anime charts we all love. As this is a new idea, I welcome feedback and suggestions below, please do let me know what you think and how it could be improved. The new threads will feature the first post with info from the wiki, this allows it to be easily updated with more info by staff at a later date.

Here are some screenshots in our two main colour schemes.


Check out the new section here.
Girls Und Panzer Das Final Part 1 - Thoughts on a 10 second Maho & Erika scene
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I was going to write a dev update post today and went looking for a Maho picture to use and remembered this scene from Girls Und Panzer Das Final part 1 where Maho and Erika are on a video call. I wanted a nice screenshot of Maho using a computer or something as it was a technical post, but I got distracted by this scene and it really made me think how much is hidden in this scene. Just two screenshots are required.


On the surface, we have Erika asking "Is it really ok for me to be the new commander?" and Maho replying with "Don't fret over the results. You should find your own Senshado." Ok, pretty simple right? Erika has a bit of self doubt, Maho is reassuring her, lets get on with the Tankery?

But no. I don't wanna.
I am a huge fan of Maho, and her lack of presence in Das Final really saddens me (this is literally her entire appearance in part 1 - but don't skip Das final, its still great to watch). I know I'm an idiot, but I actually got some tears in...
The New Blog
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Welcome to my new blog!

Picture: Maho eating Pocky. Why? Because awesomeness.

This was supposed to have all of the old posts imported from Wordpress by now and look nice and all that, but I'm lazy, and I've been distracted by other things, and <insert more excuses here>, so it hasn't happened yet. Why am I writing this then? Because I wanted to get this alive and leaving a random post about Chocotto Sister being available on a video library that doesn't exist anymore is actually back up again, as the first post seemed a bit odd.

I felt like writing, and so here I am, writing. Why does that matter? Because I have not felt like writing a random blog post in years, maybe as long as 5 years, maybe its more (if I had actually done that whole blog import thing I was supposed to have done I could answer that), and the point is I don't want to waste that feeling or enthusiasm.

So what is the deal with this new blog then? Well actually it is the forum. I have basically made a...
Placeholder #44: Best Nightcore Gaming Mix 2022
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Aria Music brings the Nightcore in this 1 hour music mix...
